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Heartwarming / The Adventure Zone: Graduation

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  • The Firbolg showing his Gentle Giant side as he consoles a baby pegasus who's refusing to eat as they wait for their parents to return. He sadly tells them that it's unfortunate they had to witness something so horrible, how he also has now family and tells them they need to eat to be strong like him.
    Firbolg: I'm sorry you had to see this, youngling. But, for now, we will both eat our berries and be quiet, huh? I think sometimes, they forget how to be quiet.
    • A few episodes later the pegasus, named Breeze Through The Willow is fully grown and ready to return to their flock. They promise Firbolg to return should he every need them, before taking off into the sky.
    • Later on, Breeze Through The Willow and some other pegasi save the Thundermen out of gratitude.
  • Episode 9: During the Thundermen's Boss Fight against Terrence the chain devil, Argo is knocked down to zero hit points and has to start making death saving rolls. Fitzroy immediately drops out of his berserker rage, dives across the room to get to Argo (taking a massive hit in the process), and uses the group's medicine kit to heal Argo despite being at only two hit points himself.
    • As of this episode, it's canon that whenever Fitzroy sees his fellow party members getting really beaten up, he instinctively flies into his barbarian rage mode, but seeing them be gravely injured is enough to shock him out of it.
  • Episode 10 reveals that Fitzroy's actions made a huge impression on Argo, who is convinced that he now owes Fitzroy a life debt. How seriously does Argo take such a debt? He's willing to stand up to his mentor figure Jackle on Fitzroy's behalf, telling him that he is no longer comfortable spying on Fitzroy, and that if Argo ever comes to suspect that Jackle and the secret organization for which they both work mean Fitzroy any harm, Argo will defect from that organization, even if it's the only connection to his late mother that he has left.
  • Also in Episode 10, Fitzroy tells the Firbolg that he trusts him with his life. The Firbolg, in turn, trusts Fitzroy enough to let Fitzroy magically scan his mind for clues about whoever has placed the Firbolg under their control.
    Firbolg: You are my CEO. There is no stronger bond.
  • When Argo digs into Fitzroy's family and finds out he's actually not of noble birth—quite the opposite, in fact—he immediately assumes Fitzroy doesn't know. He turns out to be wrong about that, but it really speaks to how much Argo trusts him that he never once assumes Fitzroy was lying to everyone.
  • Argo's You Are Better Than You Think You Are speech to a cursed and dying Fitzroy in Episode 15. It's later revealed that Fitzroy heard every word even while unconscious, and that Argo kept him from succumbing to despair even as Fitzroy was magically forced to relive one of the worst days of his life.
    Argo: Look. You're a good dude. You're a really good dude, and you're my friend, and I believe—I believe in ya, and... I think that no matter what you failed at before, or what you didn't do or what you want to do, you have noble intentions. You're a good guy. And I'm your friend. And Firbolg is your friend. And I think you're gonna be remarkable! I think you're gonna be just an amazing person! Because... you just... have it in ya.
  • While on tribunal before the Unbroken Chain, the Thundermen are asked to describe one another.
    • Argo describes the Firbolg as unfailingly honest and decent; he is the moral touchstone to which the group holds themselves.
    • The Firbolg describes Fitzroy as a leader, and someone who struggles a lot, but keeps going anyway.
    • Fitzroy describes Argo as not just a good person in spite of his struggles, but the most heroic person he knows, and adds that if the Unbroken Chain hurts him, he'll blow up the room.
  • Sabour and Jackle both stake their reputations and positions to vouch for the Firbolg and Argo, respectively.
  • We meet Rainer's dad, Gordy the Lich King, and he is an absolute delight.
    • His first action is to offer Fitzroy some scones and tea after putting him through some tests (which we quickly find out, were no real threat at all and only served as a Secret Test of Character).
    • He reveals that as a child, he was abandoned by his biological parents, who feared his abilities, but he was then found and adopted by some kind people who nurtured his powers and let him grow into the powerful being he is. He then paid it forward and adopted Rainer when she was a child, doting on her and teaching her everything she knows about necromancy.
    • He admits he sees how screwed-up Nua is and hates that Rainer and the other characters have to grow up there, because they deserve better than that. He also shows some very paternal concern towards Fitzroy, asking why the burden of fighting a Demon Prince has fallen on his very young shoulders.
    • Gordy also provides protection and care for undead creatures who are feared and distrusted by most of the living world. His reputation as the fearsome "Undying Lord" only came about so he can be left alone.
