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Heartwarming / Star Trek Redemption

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  • Ronston revealing to Kal that she's been "keeping tabs" on her, and when Lesley's gotten into trouble Ronston was quietly bailing her out of it. Kal asks why, after everything she said and did when she left Starfleet, would Ronston do that.
    Ronston: Because that's what you do for family. You look out for them, you protect them, and never turn your back. No matter what.
  • Near the end of the film:
    2399!Garr: "You did good, did good."
    • Or the line right before that, when Dark!Reyf shoots Drakus in the back:
    Dark!Reyf: ...for our father.
    2378!Reyf: For our father.
    • That whole sequence, accompanied by "Tears in my Beers", pretty much qualifies...when Ronston forgives Dark Reyf for what he's done and been a part of.
    Dark!Reyf: I don't know how it happened...from the moment I agreed to help him, I knew...I had to find a way to stop him. Then I helped him that first time, and...again...and again...and again after that. And...before I knew it...
    Ronston: It doesn't matter now. Whatever happened, whatever you might've've earned redemption. Now Drakus can never hurt anyone again...and it's all thanks to you.
