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Heartwarming / Scarred Survivors

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  • Belldandy finally reuniting with her sisters after being enslaved and tortured by a mortal for over 10 years. She tries to hold back her tears as they cry on her, and then she too breaks down in joy.
  • Keiichi giving Belldandy his wish, and her reaction.
  • Belldandy waking up on the Ugly Beast with Keiichi and realizing she did not have a nightmare.
  • Keiichi giving Bell his pillow so she can sleep without the nightmares.
  • Aiko races to Keiichi's house as soon as she hears about, well, everything.
  • Aiko thanks Urd and Skuld for saving Keiichi's life.
  • Aiko and Holy Bell bond with origami.
  • Belldandy thanks Urd for everything.
  • Lind knits a sweater for Holy Bell and gives it to Belldandy.
  • Belldandy and Keiichi talk out some of the worst things from their pasts, and comfort each other.
