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Heartwarming / Rocky IV

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  • Rocky deciding to celebrate his anniversary with Adrian just a bit early with a cake.
  • Crosses a bit over with Tearjerker considering what happened, but Apollo choosing to fight Drago (partially) out of patriotism proves that, even with his showboating in this movie (and the first one), Apollo really does love his country to the point he'd die for it.
  • Rocky has so much respect for Apollo at this point to where he is willing to put his life, and career on the line just to travel to Russia for an exhibition match against Ivan Drago, the man who accidentally, yet unregrettingly killed him in the ring, to avenge his honor, with the same shorts, gloves, the fighting style and all. It's clear that by the audience cheering for him, the absolute shock they're in by the end of the fight, and the sheer amount of rage (as implied by the montage and Ludmilla's comments) is that the boxing world and public still have a great deal of love and respect for Apollo despite his retirement.
  • Duke confides in Rocky, letting him know that Apollo was like a son to him, and that Rocky is all he has left now.
    • The relationship between Rocky and Duke may not have garnered as much screen time as Mickey gained, but Duke and Rocky respect each other very highly, like brothers. To see Duke as Rocky's corner man and coach, and how he interacts with him during the match definitely shows a lot of heart warming moments.
    • Paulie as well. He wasn't a very effective motivator for Rocky back at Rocky III, but he was able to offer a lot more helpful advice:
    Rocky: I see three of him out there.
    Paulie: Hit the one in the middle.
    Duke: ...That's right. HIT THE ONE IN THE MIDDLE!
  • Despite Adrian not approving of Rocky taking the match to Russia, she ended up traveling there anyway while Rocky is training, just to be by his side again.
    Adrian: I missed you.
    Rocky: I missed you too.
  • The moment before Rocky's fight when Paulie finally goes from being a Jerkass to being a Jerk with a Heart of Gold. Words on a site don't do it justice but it'll have to do:
    Paulie: "I know sometimes I act stupid and I say stupid things, but you kept me around and other people would have said "drop that bum". You give me respect. You know it's kinda hard for me to say these kinda things, cuz it ain't my way, but if I could just unzip myself and step out and be someone else, I'd wanna be you. You're all heart, Rock."
  • "If you can change, and I can change, everybody can change!"
  • During the Training Montage we see Rocky take time out of his jogging to help a Russian man whose horse carriage toppled over. It's a double whammy of heartwarming because not only is Rocky being a nice guy despite being in the country his enemy Drago lives in; the Russian Man waves back to him in thanks. Showing that even in the Cold War the Russians are not so different.
  • At the beginning of the climactic fight, Drago stares down coldly at Rocky and declares, "I must break you," before SMASHING his gloves down on top of Rocky's. Before the last round, however, not only has Rocky earned the respect of the crowd, but he's apparently earned Drago's as well; the Russian gently touches gloves with Balboa and says, "To the end."
