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Heartwarming / Rakenzarn Tales

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Rakenzarn Tales may be first and foremost a funny game, but there are also some moments that will make the heart feel warm.

     All Versions 
  • Kite's and Dark Magician Girl's first reaction in the Prologue, after seeing Kyuu starting to freak out because he's lost in a world he knows nothing about ?
    Kite: "I'll help."
    DMG: "Count me in too!"
    • The music that plays during this scene just reinforces the feelings.
  • Kite's and Kyuu's friendship.
    • For instance, in the beginning of Chapter 4, when Kyuu blames himself because he thinks he screwed up the mission, Kite peps him up. He does it again in the beginning of Chapter 10.
    • When Kite apologizes to Kyuu because he kept his Dark and Troubled Past a secret, Kyuu replies that, while he felt hurt and would have liked that Kite trusted him more, it doesn't matter. They're still friends.
  • A lot of the moments unlocked thanks to the Romance Sidequest. Special mentions:
    • In Chapter 2, if you choose the right answers, Dark Magician Girl will start to develop feelings for Kyuu. The scene where it happens, with Kyuu cheering her up because she feels that she's the one responsible of their assignment's failure, is really sweet.
      • The relationship between these two in general is full of heartwarming moments. If you do the Romance Sidequest with her, some scenes with Dark Magician Girl and Kyuu in the main scenario will change. She will be watching over him, asking him for support, trying to hold his hand and will even hug him in the beginning of Chapter 10.
    • After recruiting Yuffie, you can unlock a scene between her and Kyuu. If you choose the right answers, Kyuu (after she tried to rob him) convinces the ninja to stop stealing and to help her village honestly, by working for the guild. He does that because he doesn't want her to go to jail for trying to help her people. Yuffie is genuinely touched, and starts to develop feelings for him.

     Versions 1 and 2 
  • In Chapter 5, when Kyuu decides to go back in Rakenzarn instead of staying in the real world. Why? Because he doesn't want to let down the friends he made here and has decided to help them until the problem of the plagues is gone.
  • Watching the members of Kyuu's brigade becoming Fire-Forged Friends.
  • In Chapter 7, there's a sidequest involving voices coming from Verloren Maze at night. It's actually the voices of two little boys who died playing at a lake in the maze. How does Kyuu free the spirits? By giving them toys that an old lady - presumably a relative, if not one of their mothers - gives him.
    Kyuu: I... I got these from an old lady in Riveras Village.
    Boys: *confused expressions*
  • If you've been playing a Chaotic Good Kyuu, chances are you weren't on the best terms with Noel throughout the game. She finally tries to bury the hatchet in Chapter 9, realizing that your actions mean well.
  • Kanon's sidequest. In order to unlock it, Kyuu has to choose to stay and help him after the optional fight against the Shocker (which is already a Heartwarming Moment). Then, if Kyuu talks with him, he will be more friendly and they will hang out in his room for a talk. Surprisingly, they get along pretty well. We then can watch Kanon say some of the nicest things he's ever said in the game. He reveals that he used to be in The Knights with Kite and Noel and that they are his best friends. He gives more compliments during this one scene than during the rest of the game. And he also reveals that Goku used to be his mentor and that he still looks up to him. Too bad that you have to fight a very dangerous battle (unless you're overleveled) right after that scene.
