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Heartwarming / Power Rangers Lost Galaxy

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  • In an earlier flashback, the Magna Defender reveals that Scorpius (the current Big Bad) killed the Defender's son Zika. To destroy Scorpius, the Magna Defender causes a huge firepit to explode, threatening an entire space colony in the process. Realizing what he's done, the Magna Defender heads towards the firepit to neutralize the energy and save the space colony, and there's a scene where he's crawling through a hellish firepit to reach his goal, his armour damaged and cracked, his cape in tatters - when the scene shifts, and the Magna Defender is calmly walking through a field alongside Zika, who is holding a bundle of flowers. Zika tells his father that he's proud of him, and he gives his father the flowers, and the Magna Defender responds by saying that he was proud of Zika, too. The scene shifts back to the Magna Defender crawling towards the firepit - and he's still holding the flowers that his son just gave him. It's the most beautiful, heart-breaking moment.
  • Something of a retroactive one. The Karone we see in this series is bubbly, cheerful, playful, and kindhearted. At first you might be tempted to write this off as inconsistent characterization, considering she wasn't really like that in In Space, even after her Heel–Face Turn. But when you think about it, it's because she was raised/brainwashed to act differently, and at the time of her last appearance she still wasn't quite comfortable her own skin. In other words, she was like that on the inside the whole time. And it's probably why Zhane was attracted to her, even if he didn't consciously know that deep down she wasn't evil.
    • On that note, the ending of Karone's introductory episode has a great moment where Karone talks about being Kendrix's replacement. She's obviously feeling the weight of taking up a fallen ranger's sword, but the whole team turns out to express their faith in her to carry on in Kendrix's place.
  • An uncommon one between villains, we see quite openly that although they're the bad guys, Scorpius and Trakeena truly do love one another, culminating in their tearful farewell at Scorpius's death, where they manage to make amends after Trakeena left him over his insistence that she enter the cocoon right before he dies.
    • There's also a strong sense of honor and loyalty among the generals too. Treacheron was highly devoted to Scorpius, and sought to regain his honor after being framed.
    • Villamax was a stern teacher, but he truly did see potential in Trakeena, and mentored her into a more powerful warrior.
    • Villamax even was honorable to keep his word to release the rangers in exchange for Leo.
  • From the team-up episode, Leo being in awe of Andros, telling him that he was there when the Space Rangers saved the Earth. The sheer amount of respect Leo has for the previous red ranger is wonderful.
    Leo: It was an honor fighting with you guys.
    Andros: No, Leo. The honor was all ours.
  • In "Orion Rising", an argument breaks out between Maya and Kendrix when the former eats a cake the latter had made for Damon. The conflict continues when they're trapped inside a forcefield by the Monster of the Week, and separate over different plans. Maya then notices a cake shop and realizes the cake she'd eaten was a birthday cake. Even when air is running out for the other civilians trapped inside, she apologizes to Kendrix and offers to help her make another cake. D'awww.
  • Leo wasn't even meant to come on this adventure, but came along as a stowaway and became a leader and a hero. But after their colony has crashed, he and Kai have one more exchange to gage his feelings about the journey.
    Kai: Still glad you snuck onboard?
    Leo: (smiles) I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
  • The return of Kendrix in the finale.
    • The Reality Subtext of her return. Valerie Vernon had left the show to undergo treatment for leukemia, and her return was heralded by the announcement that she was in remission.
    • Ever notice how Kendrix wasn't removed from the intro? Saban actually helped pay for her treatment and kept her at normal billing. Saban also hired her to do a voice-over to help her get back on her feet.
    • She even gets a sweet moment with Karone, her replacement.
    Kendrix: Hey, thanks. For everything you've done!
    Karone (smiling): I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
    • Not to mention the Mirinoian vilagers being unpetrified.
    • The Galactabeasts get in on the celebration too, somehow creating a fireworks show. The music that plays as the fireworks go off and the executive producer credits appear is beautiful and underscores the fact that the Galaxy Rangers, the Terra Venture citizens and Mirinoi have earned their happiness after all they went through.
    • Power Rangers: Dino Fury reveals that the Morphing Masters had a hand with Steel becoming human in Beast Morphers so it's implied that they were the ones that revived Kendrix.
