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Heartwarming / Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint

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Even in the apocalypse, you can find close allies and comrades.

  • Yoo Sangah's introduction. She tries to be welcoming and polite to Dokja as they sit on the train side by side. While Dokja just doesn't really know how to approach her, he knows she's coming from a genuinely kind place. Even sweeter when she says that Dokja inspired her to live an "ivory life" (Sangah in Korean means Ivory), after Dokja says he lives the life of a reader.
  • Dokja, realizing they were in the novel of TWSA, immediately grabs Gilyeong's bug cage and throws the bugs over to Sangah and a few other so they could fulfill the mission for that area. He even gives one to Gilyeong. Over the course of the book, he becomes very protective of the young boy, willing to put his own life at risk to keep him safe. In turn Gilyeong ends up being devoted to Dokja, almost to comical levels at time.
    • Later on, the boy becomes attached to Dokja, and points out he could have let him die in the train but he didn't. Despite Dokja's pragmatism, Gilyeong doesn't believe Dokja is a bad guy at heart no matter how he tries to come off. The constellations are touched by the boy's statement and start gifting Dokja coins or messages of how touched they were.
  • Being the only kid in their group, Gilyeong is immediately looked after by some of the other adults, such as Lee Hyeonseong who carries him over the bridge or Yoo Sangah who looks after him.
  • As Dokja is scrounging around abandoned stores for supplies, he finds a woman who begs him for help as she slowly succumbs to the poisonous air. Dokja carries her to the safe point and gives her his special item that helps clear the poison from her lungs. This woman, Jeong Huiwon soon becomes a steadfast ally to Dokja after he saves her life.
  • Sangah and the group are relieved to see Dokja alive, with Gilyeong even giving Dokja a big hug.
  • Lee Hyeonseong giving a bit of his backstory to Dokja and how he wants to protect the elderly and children, as he knows that despite how others have become, he still believes in justice.
  • Gilyeong offers Dokja the bits of food the other managed to scrounge seeing that Dokja didn't eat anything. Dokja encourages the boy to finish it himself.
  • While using his savviness of the novel, Dokja gets items for his team to help boost their skills.
  • Gilyeong accidentally steps into Gong Pildu's zone while wanting to go to the bathroom, and Dokja immediately jumps over to rescue the kid before the turrets fired at him.
  • As the scene activates the monster swarm, Dokja ends up picking up Gilyeong to find the secret safe zone for them. Despite the kid calmly telling Dokja he'd understand if the older man left him behind, Dokja says he once read a story about a protagonist who gave up on his comrades in order to survive and that left him jaded and empty. He says he refuses to become a person like that protagonist.
  • Dokja wakes up from his nightmare and the first thing Gilyeong does is tackle Dokja with a hug. The others swarm around him in relief seeing he's now awake.
    • Yoo Jonghyuk talks to Gilyeong and says he sees potential in the boy. When he asks if he truly won't leave Dokja's side and join his where he could become stronger, Gilyeong refuses. Yoo Jonghyuk can only click his teeth in disappointment.
  • Lee Hyeonseong admits that something happened to him in the army that lead him to have doubts about himself, and while Dokja encourages the rest of the party to cheer him up, he does tell him they'll talk about their pasts more once they leave the area in one piece.
    • The reason Dokja had everyone talk to him was because Hyeonseong's attributes haven't awoken yet, and after talking a bit with the rest of his group, his screen says he was eagerly waiting for it to bloom.
  • In the Cinema Master's area Lee Jihye sees a prehistoric grasshopper jump out in front of Gilyeong and immediately tells the boy to step back. Gilyeon luckily dodges the strike and holds onto the grasshopper in fascination, who then becomes his ally for the level.
    • Gilyeong showing a lot of guts as he stands in front of Dokja, telling the older man he'll protect him as he orders his grasshopper friend to stab the eyes of the T-Rex.
  • Dokja revealing that he knows one of Gong Pildu's driving goals in the game was to find his family. While he grumbles about it, he does even look after Gilyeong and eventually warms up to him.
  • While Yoo Jonghyuk’s suicidal sunfish and regression depression tendencies tend to be poked at, when a scenario previously unknown to him starts making him think seriously about doing the run over again, Kim Dokja talks him out of it and encourages him to treat this run seriously and preciously.
  • The moment is played for laughs, but the Constellations are genuinely respectful towards what they perceive as Dokja's feelings towards Yoo Jonghyuk. With the Prisoner of the Golden Headband said to be "respectful towards your orientation" while the Demon-like Judge of Fire is delighted by the camaraderie.
    • Even Lee Jihye doesn't seem bothered by it and is only confused at what child Dokja is referring to. It culminates to her believing he and Yoo Jonghyuk had adopted a child together.
