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Heartwarming / Kamen Rider Saber

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  • Touma making deep promises to others.
  • Whenever Touma decides to compliment another on their qualities, such as Mei's cheerful curiosity or Ryo being the "King of Parenting".


     Chapter 1: In the Beginning, There Was a Flame Swordsman. 
  • Children coming to Touma inside the bookstore and happily asking him to tell them a story.
  • Touma instantly getting his bearings together and fighting against the Megiddo because of his belief that books should make people happy.

     Chapter 2: The Water Swordsman, Along With a Blue Lion. 
  • Just the fact that Touma and Rintaro somehow managed to get along minutes after meeting. Towards the end of the episode has Rintaro even offering himself to teach Touma about the WonderRide Books while also telling the writer to refer to him as Rintaro-san as they continued bonding. Before this series, only Hibiki and OOO had almost immediate cooperation between the lead and secondary Riders.

     Chapter 3: A Father, and a Swordsman. 
  • Awkward as the moment may be, just the fact that Touma reunites with Kento while hugging each other puts a smile on Mei's face.
  • Sora cheering on his father, Ryo, for how awesome he was on battle as the Rider carried him up. In general, the fact that Ryo is an active parent while also being a Rider could be seen as this for some fathers.

     Chapter 4: I Opened the Book, and Therefore. 
  • Ryo tosses aside his anger when encouraged to believe in Touma and after learning about how seriously he takes his promises.
  • Ryo reuniting with Sora. You can see how much Ryo truly cherishes his son, especially in comparison to the other dads we've seen in Kamen Rider.

     Chapter 5: My Friend, the Thunder Swordsman. 
  • After seeing Kento become sullen after confronting Calibur, both Touma and Ryo attempt to cheer up their fellow Rider in their own ways.
    • First off, Touma and Kento dress up as Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer respectively.
    • Second, after getting sodas for the both of them, Ryo sprays himself with soda by accident, causing Kento to laugh and loosen up. Then he comforts him about Calibur, comparing to his father favorably after Kento expresses his doubts with him.

     Chapter 7: The Sword of the King, Lies in Avalon. 

     Chapter 8: The Sealed Is, Arthur. 
  • Sora and Touma making a promise that he'll win the next fight. Even when he's down in the dumps, Sora still roots for him, knowing he'll come back on top.
  • Touma, Rintaro, Kento, and Ren placing their swords together after they accomplished winning their fight.

     Chapter 11: Disturbed Thunder, Spreading Dark Clouds 
  • Rintaro considers the guild members his family and goes into considerable lengths to protect Kento, even trying to drag him back from his Freak Out following the events of #10. Kento doesn't understand that until it's too late.
  • Sofia trusts Mei to take care of the Northern Base in her absence.

     Chapter 16: A Ray of Light, That Saves The World 
  • The Sword of Logos celebrating the new year at Touma's bookstore. It's very heartwarming to see, especially given the depressing events they've had to endure so far, such as Kento's "death" and the reveal that Daichi was a traitor.
  • We get to see Sora again and it's always uplifting to see the big man just carrying his son and having a good time.
  • Although they come to blows due to several misconceptions and a misunderstanding, very few of the Riders in the Sword of Logos actually fight Touma. Hell, the only reason Rintaro is trying to make him give up his Wonder Ride Book and Rekka is so he can go back to being an ordinary civilian and be safe.

     Chapter 18: With A Flaming Tenacity, Strike Down the Megid! 
  • Rintaro and Tetsuo going after Touma to just ask him a few questions. They want to believe in their friend, after all this time, but something else keeps getting in the way.
  • Touma explaining to Yuri what he feels it means to save the world: Saving the people in it, since they help make up the world. And Yuri quickly understands his reasoning too, allowing Touma to make his plan to save Yuki.
  • The ending song adds Saikou to the Trick Eye Museum, after he finally accepted Touma as both his friend and his wielder.

     Chapter 20: Destroying the Stronghold, Is the Will of the Sword 
  • Rintaro is clearly overjoyed to see Touma this time, after being told by Tetsuo that Touma was telling the truth about humans being turned Megid, and really wants to work again with Touma to save the world. However he still gets a bit angry over the mere mention of a traitor among the Sword of Logos.
    • He isn't the only one wanting to believe in Touma, Ogami and Tetsuo are also wanting to believe in him.

     Chapter 21: The Greatest Shine, Full Colors! 
  • After clashing with Touma, Tetsuo is obviously satisfied with the results, and later comes to tell Touma that he will fight by his side from then on.
    • And what's worth noting is that Tetsuo tells Ryo that he's leaving the organization to fight at Touma's side, Ryo takes it well. He sees his friend has found the path he believes in, and lets him follow.

     Chapter 22: Even So, I Still Want to Save Everyone! 
  • Even after Tetsuo leaves the Sword of Logos, Ryo doesn't speak poorly of him. When Reika badmouths the former about his intentions, Ryo refuses to have any of it and demands she take back what she said.
  • As Ryo picks up Sora from school, the latter questions why he won't leave the Sword of Logos and team up with Touma, Ryo makes his reasoning simple: He's fighting to protect Sora's future, the same going for his fellow youth and the younger swordsmen. His dedication to Sora and the youth is so great, he puts it above saving the world.

     Chapter 23: Raging Hands of Destruction. 
  • The gang tries to convince Ogami to lend them his Book Gate so they can access Southern Base. He yells at them for thinking it would be so easy and slams his hand down on a barrel before storming off. Everyon looks after him and then Mei notices he left the Book Gate behind. He was genuinely mad at them, but still felt compeled to help and the outburst was partly a ruse to keep face for the time being.
  • It's oddly nice that Storious tells Legeiel to get out of Primitive Dragons' way several times and when ignored, just keeps on fighting. He knows their chances are about as good as those of a snowball in hell and absolutely could just abandon him, but he doesn't even scoff at the other Megid's stupidity. Granted, it is most likely just him being pragmatic, but maybe, just maybe he has a shred of standards.

     Chapter 24: Upon The Father's Shoulders, Rests His Future. 
  • Sora cheering for his father is absolutely adorable.
    Ogami: Fight me, novelist!
    Sora: Fight him!
  • Like Tetsuo, Ryo is the next to defect from the Sword of Logos. For the past few episodes, he's grown more and more disillusioned and admittedly feels lost. After some words from Sora and dueling with Touma, he finally decides to fight alongside the latter, to hone his skills as a swordsman.
    • After their duel, Ryo finally calls Touma by his name, instead of just "novelist". Goes to show how far their relationship has come.
  • One of the main reasons Ryo ends up defecting is because Reika threatens the well-being of his family. Though he is a swordsman sworn to protect the world, this comes second to Ryo's status as a father to his son, and the moment his family is brought into the discussion, he's had enough.
  • When Touma happily puts his hands on Yuri and Tetsuo's shoulders, they look at him disapprovingly and he sheepishly pulls away. Notably, they don't react in any other way even thought neither of them is particularly touchy sort of person.
  • When Touma goes berserk, Yuri calls out to him in concern.

    Chapter 25: Dressed In Smoke, The Crimson Assassin. 
  • Mei decides to return Rintaro's Wonder Rider Books that were taken by Primitive Dragon earlier and use it as an oppurtunity to talk to him.
    • When Touma finds out, he takes off after her. Daishinji would go with him if he was not stopped by Ogami, who considered it something they need to resolve themselves.
    • Rintaro admonishes Mei for bringing his WR Bs back without asking Touma first, claiming it will make him angry. Mei calmly retorts that Rintaro must know Touma well enough to realize that can't be true. This makes Rintaro even more uneasy as he wasn't actually thinking that in so much as trying to villainize Touma in his mind to curb the doubts popping up everywhere.
    • Rintaro unloads all anguish and anger that has been piling up inside him since New Year on Touma, who admits that yeah, he really is in too deep and has no idea how he is supposed to continue, but that doesn't mean that he wouldn't want to. Rintaro is still just gaining steam, he calls Touma crazy and then in the heat of the moment it just slips out that he actually likes that about him. Mei's confused face serves as an exclamation point.
    • Rintaro confesses the only reason he wants Touma to surrender is because he fears he might have to cut him down one day and doesn't want to lose his friend.
    • And Touma shortly after asks him to cut him down if he ever loses control again.
  • Touma really wants to save the soul within Primitive Dragon, even if he doesn't know whether or not that will end its rampage.
  • The ending song adds Rintaro and Touma (who for the past few episodes was absent) back to the Trick Eye Museum.

    Chapter 26: Deep In The Darkness, Allied With The Sword 
  • Mei's preparations before she and Touma head out to find Kento involve packing some candy into a jar and shoving it into her purse, apparently with the intention of pacifying Kento with food.
  • While the moment is very small, the child who represents the spirit of Primitive Dragon approaches Touma and holds his hand out to him, asking if Touma is sad too. Even if he's the representation of an avatar of rampaging destruction, the little kid shows concern for his vessel.
    • In other words, Touma's sorrow managed to be much greater than the Primitive Dragon's, to the point the spirit himself feels sympathy for him and tries to show that he understands how Touma feels.

    Chapter 27: Turn That Sorrow, Into A Smile. 
  • Touma gives a new conclusion to the Tale of Sorrow by befriending the Primitive Dragon's spirit, proving once more that he is the one who decides how the story ends.
    Primitive Dragon: A long time ago, us dragons and you humans lived together in harmony. But then one day, the humans who feared us started hunting down all my friends. Now, I'm the only one left. Where are you? Where'd you all go? My friends are nowhere to be found... I'm all alone...
    Touma: That's not true! Your story hasn't ended yet... it still continues.
    Primitive Dragon: What...?
    Touma: As the dragon lay to rest, exhausted from searching for his friends, he suddenly heard a voice whispering to him. "You are not alone. You have friends right here, right next to you. Listen closely; what do you hear?" And the dragon replied, "The laughing of the wind. The singing of the waters. The nostalgic scent of the earth. And the fire of the sun... it feels ever so warm."
    Primitive Dragon: They're all... my friends?
    Touma: That's right! You have countless friends everywhere in nature!
    Primitive Dragon: Thank you, for finding my friends.
    Touma: Won't you... be my friend too?
    • As Primitive Dragon takes his hand, you can see Brave Dragon approach him in the picture book background; he is no longer the last dragon in the world.
    • Even more: to reach that conclusion, he endured and pushed through the flames the Primitive Dragon lashed out at him, willing to reach to him and calm his sorrow-driven fury by becoming the friend he longed for so long.
  • While Touma, as Primitive Dragon, is unconscious in his attempt to calm the dragon, Rintaro comes to protect him and fight alongside everyone to protect him, even in their untransformed states if they must.
  • The Megid trio in the long gone past they share with Tassel shows the bunch happy together.
  • Legeiel doesn't die in anger, once he is destroyed his spirit gives an honest smile.
  • As the Elemental Dragon transformation is undone, the Primitive Dragon book announces "Elemental Dragon! Thank you!", in contrast to what it says to other books (example: "Brave Dragon! Goodbye!").
  • Tassel appears inside the Primitive Dragon's memories to congratulate Touma on his deeds.
  • The ending shows Touma alone in the Trick Eye Museum, but he is having fun exploring it, symbolizing that he has come to terms with himself.

    Chapter 29: In That Moment, The Swordsman Advanced. 
  • Rintaro finally reveals to Mei that he plans to defect from the Sword of Logos, but not before tying up some loose ends. She tells him she'll wait with a box of eclairs for his return.
    • Even better, the ending shows Rintaro making his return to the Trick Eye Museum, signifying his change of heart.
  • While tending to a wounded Touma, Ryo laments that without the barrier protecting the Northern Base, they are left defenseless... only for Sophia - now freed thanks to Kento - to make her return and set up the barrier herself, to everyone's surprise.
    • Sophia was startled and somewhat afraid of Calibur, justified in that she had been just told by Reika that this was her last chance to talk. So she didn't know if Calibur was there to make her talk or slay her. Her fear was also caused by thinking that Calibur is still Daichi Kamijo, a traitor to Sword of Logos. Granted, finding out that it's Kento was not reassuring in the slightest even without her knowing of his current Wild Card role.

    Chapter 30: We Are Bonded, Even When Apart! 
  • Rintaro apologizes to the Northern Base team for his indecision regarding the Sword of Logos in the last few episodes. However, instead of chewing him out, they decide to give him a full welcome, even going as far as to embrace him. He is moved to tears, showing that he expected them to be angry at him and their acceptance makes him feel even worse about his mistakes.
  • Rintaro finally gets to taste that éclair, courtesy of Mei.
    • According to The Phoenix Swordsman and the Book of Ruin, Mei has always teased him by giving éclairs to everyone but Rintaro.

    Chapter 31: The Strength I Already, And Will Believe In. 
  • Rintaro stumbling into Touma's fight with Zooous and hearing that in no way does Touma see him as a burden had to have been more than a little re-assuring.
  • Touma agreeing to Rintaro's challenge rather than repeatedly trying to get through to him with words demonstrates that he's willing to acknowledge Rintaro's strength; something Rintaro himself was unable to do.
    • It's also very likely that Rintaro realized how dueling allowed them to better understand each other's feelings, as both Tetsuo and Ogami had dueled with Touma before opting to defect from the southern Base.
  • Seeing Touma and Rintaro smile at each other for the first time in ages is uplifting given all of the doubt and uncertainty the two'd been feeling toward one another during the Betrayal Arc.
  • Mei reveals she made pins for everyone at the Northern Base, even the absent Kento and Ren. Touma comments that he hopes they'll all be together again one day.

    Chapter 32: My Emotions, Become Crystallized. 
  • Rintaro finally avenging his master and seeing his master smile and compliment him.
    • Zooous much like Legeiel before him has his soul revert back to his kinder self and he remarks on how much stronger Rintaro has gotten, and wishes him well before passing on.

     Chapter 35: Then I, Shall Become A God! 
  • At long last, Touma reunites with Luna, easily one of the most heartwarming moments in the entire series, even if it didn't last long.
  • Even after Ren berates at Kento for betraying everyone for a higher power, Kento still goes to take a fatal hit meant for Ren, remembering Yuri's words that "Having real friends is great."
  • Once Luna is saved, she once again starts to disappear, feeling tired. But she reassures Touma that they will meet again.

    Chapter 36: The Power Of The Almighty, Has Been Opened. 
  • Touma and the others remembering that Luna disappeared, and then Mei reminding them that they will meet her again, bringing a smile to their smile back to them.
  • Sophia reveals that she and Luna are not human, and yet Rintaro and the others reminding her that in her heart she is a homo-sapiens just like everyone else, and that it doesn't matter what she is on the outside, all that matters is that she is their friend.
  • Durandal doesn't take lightly on Master Logos when he attempts to kill Sabela, using his time manipulation to save her first and foremost even when he had the perfect chance to sneak an attack on him.
  • Kento is willing to sacrifice himself so Touma doesn't risk disappearing.
    • Yuri himself intended to have Touma become the Guardian of the power of Wonderworld, knowing very well what that meant, but he starts to believe that Touma can change the future and urges Kento to believe in him too.

    Chapter 37: Who Will Be The One, To Change The Future? 
  • One has to smile how, even when Mei's attempt to sway Bahato doesn't work, Yuri just tells her nice work and that she's done a good job representing humans.

    Chapter 38: The Unifier of Sacred Swords, The Galactic Saber. 
  • It's revealed that Tassel made Hayato into a guardian spirit that has been watching over Kento the whole time. Father and son then finally reconcile after Touma leaves behind Kento's old sword.
  • Hayato apologizes to Kento and encourages him to follow the path he believes in. This act finally convinces Kento to pick up Ikazuchi again and rejoin his friends.
    Kento: I believe in Touma... and myself.
  • After being defeated by Touma, Bacht lets out a last laugh and concedes to Touma's conviction:
  • As everyone congratulates Touma on changing the future, Touma corrects them and says they did it together. And a plus, Kento finally smiles again, happy that Touma had once again changed the future.
  • The ending shot of the Trick Eye Museum now features Kento in for a split second, symbolizing that he's truly home.

    Chapter 39: O Swordsmen, Walk The Path You Believe In. 
  • Kento seems to be sulking for a moment, so what does Touma, Mei and Rintaro do? They play out a scene of Momotaro to get him in the mood. It works and he plays out as the pheasant with his warmest smile and proposing kibidango won't do and that they need éclairs too. Touma calls him out on changing the story and the team laughs together.
  • Before Kento goes to try and convince Ren to come back, Mei gives him the custom pin he discarded before.
  • Ren still can't join the Northern Base team, because he wants to pursue "true strength". Yet, he is glad that Kento is alright.
    • Shortly after we see him pass by Desast, who asks him if he's alright with that, not in a mocking tone, but rather in a stern one.
  • The Shindai siblings retrieving the Wonder Ride books they have stolen from Master Logos and returning it to their rightful owners.
    • In the OP the Shindai siblings are added in the Wonder Ride book scene where they are seen goofing and hanging around with the heroes, and this scene also highlights their Heel–Face Turn.

    Chapter 40: Shining Friendship, the Three Swordsmen.  
  • While being attacked by her brother, Reika sends an illusion to the Northern Base to notify the other swordsmen, who do not hesitate in sending reinforcements.
  • Solomon mocks Kento and calls his father a fool for believing him. Kento responds by saying his father was a proud swordsman to the end who only wanted to protect his friends, and that Isaac is the fool for not being able to see that.
  • After Ryoga is freed from Solomon's control and slumps to the ground, Reika immediately embraces him and lifts him up a little.
    • Just before Ryoga says "I am in your debt" to both Slash and Buster, it is possible to see a faint smile on his face.
  • Even though she wants to be with Touma, Luna doesn't necessarily want it because she knows it would make his friends sad.
  • Touma, Rintaro, and Kento reaffirming their bond by placing their swords together just like in the ending sequence.

    Chapter 41: After 2000 Years, A Binding Wish 
  • The opening of the episode has the Northern Base group enjoying Nagashi Somen together. Even Sophia gets in on it!

    Chapter 43: In Conflict, We Find Our Worth. 
  • Ren and Desast gets a lot of this in a rather interesting way through the episode.
    • In their own way, they have grown closer to one another, and this fight is their ultimate proof of that, with Desast trying to draw out Ren's strength, while Ren himself held back because he didn't want to let go of his partner in the pursuit of true strength. It takes a critical moment for Ren to realize that he had to stop holding back, else neither of them would ever find true strength.
    • A moment before finishing off Desast, they express regret in teaming up, however the way they do so is on a soft tone, as if they meant the exact opposite of what they said.
    • Desast, under his dying breath, reassuring Ren that he just needs to be who he is:
    Desast: You're fine the way you are, y'know.
    • Once Desast is gone, Ren takes with him the only possessions the Megido left behind: the sacred blade Kyomu, Desast's AlteRide Book and his red scarf.
    Ren: It was fun. Thanks.
    • Later Ren is seen eating noodles with red ginger, just like Desast asked him to before passing away.

    Chapter 44: The Final Page, Has Been Opened. 
  • Even though things are going south fast, the episode rapid-fires heartwarming moments after Kento brings up that they can change the future:
    • However Ren still refuses to rejoin with the Northern Base, he has finally found a reason to stop the world from ending, thanks to Desast.
    • Ogami's wife, Haruka, comes back to Japan to see him and Sora and have a family moment.
    • Rintaro insists Mei doesn't follow them into their final battle, because he wants to tell her something once it is all over.
    • Peaks with Touma and Kento doing their best to ease the doubts of Luna. A rather emotional encounter, that concludes with them making a promise to always be together.
    • In short, the second half of the episode is a lot of heartwarming moments and a few tearjerkers.

    Final Chapter: As The World Ends, A New Story is Born. 
  • Yuri's actions from last episode? He's trying to heal the wounded...and fades into nothing from it. Heroic Sacrifice at its finest. You have done well, Sword(sman) of the greatest Radiance.
  • As Touma battle Storious, who comes to his aid? It's...the Primitive Dragon boy! He saves Touma from Storious' bottomless pit and gives him access to his Primitive Dragon form without making him a berserker. Seems like this dragon's found his friend again.
  • Kento and Rintaro coming to his aid. Friendship at its finest.
  • Wonder Almighty. This form doesn't just reek with amazing, it's also heartwarming, made from Luna's sacrifice and the other swordsmen's Seiken. They all unite to make this announcement which shows the value of stories and the bonds, physical or spiritual, of all who make them.
    Ogami: The future of the children.
    Daishinji: The voices of the Seikens.
    Ren: The ends of strength.
    Rintarō: Important vows.
    Kento: Important friends.
    Luna: Important promises.
    Touma: The story spins all our feelings…
    All: And continues eternally!
  • Amidst the pitch blackness of the destroyed Earth and Wonder World, Touma hears a child's favourite story. That little kid is backed by many more kids, and then other folks regardless of age tell him their beloved stories. With those stories at the ready, Touma fixes both worlds. Also, this shows how vital stories are to anyone regardless of age, and how they shaped and changed the world and the future no matter the era. "People are always creating stories", indeed.
  • Mei receives an awards for Touma's new book, "Eternal Story", on his behalf. This is followed by a touching speech before she ends stating that he's still making stories somewhere (Wonder World) and reminding him to never miss his deadlines.
    • Then...the victims of the Megids return to Earth, Yuri is brought back...and then Touma arrives to visit all of his friends! Seems like this guy managed to defy his destiny to fade from Earth armed with his Wonder Almighty Book and his newfound powers as Wonder World's new guardian. To say everyone was ecstatic would be an understatement. They're all smiling inside out, having got to see Touma once again, especially Kento.
    • Looks like Touma also received closure from everything that happened over the past 46 episodes as Wonder World's new guardian. He's greeted by the spirits of Luna, Tassel/Victor and the first Master Logos who congratulate and encourage him for fixing everything better than before. Even the ghosts of the three Megid generals and Bahato (who's back to being more sane after death) are happy for him. Oh, and they encourage Touma to return to his friends on Earth!
    • Storious, the Final Boss of the series, realized the error of his nihilistic ways and finally made peace with his former Megid friends.
  • The final shot of the story? It's the Wonder Story book at its last page...which pops up from Storious' rampage to depictions of Touma, Kento and Luna as kids playing together with a background of Wonder World behind them. Taken into context, it's a sign that Touma's set everything right once and for all, with everyone freely making and enjoying stories like before and though Luna isn't here anymore, she's with Kento, Touma and the others in spirit. Awwww... "and they all lived Happily Ever After."

    Special Issue: When a New Page Opens. 
  • Sophia announced that the title of Master Logos is finally abolished and replaced by the council of four, consisting of herself alongside Yuri, Ryoga Shindai & Rintaro Shindo.
  • Ogami's plan to become a teacher may seem a sudden random plan but if you read the Buster Spinoff, its actually a nice Call-Back as Ogami's mentor and predecessor Toshikazu Kamikawa aka Kame-Sen is formerly his high school teacher. That's right, he is now following his teacher's path again this time as a school teacher!

Movies and spinoffs

     Trio of Deep Sin 
  • Touma's relationship with Riku (his adopted son) and Mamiya (childhood friend) is one of the most shining moments of the movie. It's even better towards the end, because Mamiya and Riku are actually one and same, and once Riku finally calls Touma his dad, Mamiya realizes that he never lost his dad at all and that his memory had only been tampered by something. But with their memories restored, they undo the splitting caused by the Sword of the Void and undoes everything, except Touma's memories so he can still remember him: Mamiya Riku, the aspiring novelist.
    Mamiya and Riku: Thank you, dad.
  • After the memories and stories are restored and everyone is returned, the deaths of Shinjiro and Yuina are also undone. Shinjiro passes by Rintaro seemingly without realizing who he is, but when Mei calls his son out for wearing those clothes, he stops, looks back for a second and smirks; Yuina meets Kento again and they are both holding the same book, which they will talk over some coffee for maybe a fresh start for both.
  • Despite Rintaro having had his memories of all his friends erased, they were so important to him that he can vaguely recall Touma and Kento during his battle with Shinjiro. Mei was his girlfriend before, and he pictures her the most clearly.
