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Heartwarming / From Muddy Waters

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  • Bakugo bringing a bento box from home to Midoriya, despite not seeing him for several years.
  • Despite being villains, All For One's underlings genuinely like Inko and missed her after she and Izuku ran away. One of them even thanks her for some relationship advice she once gave him.
  • Izuku's chosen hero name is Lotus, the Hero That Rises Above, based off his mother once telling him that he's like a lotus, rising above the muddy waters it grew into bloom.
  • After his match with Shinso, Aizawa immediately goes to comfort a severally distressed Izuku. Enforcing his suspicions that he was abused as a child.
  • After the Sports Festival, Aizawa not only brings Todoroki's obvious abuse to the attention of Social Services, he also offers to foster the boy so his potential foster parents don't sell the story to the media.
  • After Izuku confesses everything to Bakugou about his villain father and all the lies he's told, Bakugou has only one thing to say:
    Bakugou: Do you have a place to stay?
  • During Izuku's internship under Sir Nighteye, the rest of the agency notices that Nighteye and Gran Torino are beating Izuku into the ground under the guise of training and try to step in on Izuku's behalf, such as Bubble Girl offering to tell Gran Torino that Izuku's in no shape to be sparring.
  • After learning the broad strokes of why Izuku has multiple Quirks, Mirio's response is to tell him You Are Better Than You Think You Are and hug the boy, with Tamaki and Nejire joining shortly after.
    • It's later revealed that Mirio reported Sir Nighteye and Gran Torino's actions to All-Might, eventually demanding the man step in and stop them.
