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Heartwarming / Ford v Ferrari

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  • While he's regaining his composure after going through a particularly stressful test drive, Henry Ford II says that he wishes his father could have lived long enough to know that his company could produce a car like the GT40. This becomes really poignant when you know that Edsel Ford died of stomach cancer back in 1943 when he was only 49 years old (he would have been 72 in 1966), and that he of all people would have appreciated the innovation and excitement of such a car.
  • While Ken and Carroll are fighting, Carroll grabs a can to smack Ken, but drops it and grabs a loaf of bread instead. Even while the two are furious with each other they don't actually want to hurt each other that badly. And when Shelby punches a trash can lid that Miles uses as a shield, hurting his hand in the process, Miles asks, "You all right?" At the end of their fistfight, they toss out a few more insults as they toast with bottles of Coca-Cola.
    Miles: (motions his bottle to Shelby) Up yours.
    Shelby: (responds in kind and toasts Miles) Go to hell...
  • The aftermath of the Le Mans '66 race is bittersweet, as Miles is shafted into second place by Beebe's meddling. It becomes heartwarming when Enzo Ferrari tips his hat in respect to Miles, acknowledging him as the superior racer.
  • Shelby's final meeting with Peter, after Miles' death. When Shelby fails to find anything meaningful to say about Miles, Peter sums it up with "He was your friend."
  • The scene of Miles' fatal crash is mostly a Tear Jerker especially as he left behind a wife and son, but there is an unspoken bittersweet feeling that he died partaking in his greatest passion in life, doing what he was born to do.
