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Heartwarming / Dracula (2020)

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  • Mother Superior's Rousing Speech to the sisters that they pray, not to have God come to them, but so they can be strong enough to stand with God. Despite this being followed by her death and Dracula's invasion of the convent, it does inspire Sister Agatha to protect Mina and face Dracula.
  • Sister Agatha bargaining with Dracula to let Mina go free. If she stays, then he is to let Mina escape with her life. Though Dracula is dumbfounded that she would risk her life for a "child", Agatha doesn't waver.
  • Fridge-heartwrming: In a dark way, the reason "Mr. Balaur" invited the Grand Duchess was to 'write her life's story'. And as Dracula says throughout the series, his victims and their memories live through him. By drinking her blood, she will live on through him in his immortality.
    • Also, the fact that before her death, Dracula lets the Grand Duchess literally relive that one night when they danced together.
  • In a twisted way, there's something nice about how Dracula marvels a woman's rural home as being magnificent when compared to a palace. She argues how in actuality it's a dump. Dracula begs to differ, as he sees it for all its modern conveniences we've come to take for granted. Strangely optimistic coming from Dracula.
    • Also in this same scene, Dracula marveling the television. What's he watching on it? A sunrise. Sometimes, it's the simple things in life.
