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Heartwarming / Blood is Thicker than Bone

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Spoilers Off applies to all Heartwarming pages, so all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned!

  • After defeating Neji in The Chunin Exams, Naruto prepares to head back. When he goes to he suddenly hears the sound of somebody clapping. It pans over and shows Iruka clapping his hands and beside him Anko starts to as well clapping and applauding him. Gradually more began to clap and applaud in the crowd until numerous people are cheering and clapping for him as Naruto looks on.
  • After Sasuke has defected from Konoha and Orochimaru has abandoned it, The Land of Sound has become a lawless hell. Naruto, Kakashi, and others are sent to defeat the remaining Sound Ninjas in the area so to restore peace. After defeating them Kakashi calmly asks what is it that they are fighting for after they have been abandoned and betrayed by him. The group yells at him that they fight just so they can live another day and they could never understand them and yet Kakashi instead turns and tells all the Sound Ninjas in the area to come with him back to Konoha, telling them he will give them what they desire and its revealed for swearing loyalty to Konoha, they are given The lands and fields in The Country as their own thus earning their allegiance from that day forth.
  • Another Uzumaki is alive, Ayako, Kimimaro's mother and Naruto's aunt.
