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Heartwarming / Astra Lost in Space

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  • Aries is drifting in space, alone. Thrusters broken, comms not working, and oxygen slowly depleting, Aries is scared to die...until she sees Kanata reaching out to her.
    • When Kanata and Aries drift too far to get back on the ship, what do the rest of the kids do? They form a chainlink and bring those two inside.
  • Quitterie and Funicia making up and hugging each other after Funicia nearly becomes bird food on Planet Vilavurs.
  • Yunhua singing to the group on Planet Shummoor after the group is affected with poisonous spores. After hiding her talent for so long, seeing her sing with all her heart will bring a tear to your eyes (though not as much as Yunhua, probably!).
  • Luca revealing he is intersex. It takes a lot of courage to admit something like that, especially when you have a gun to your head but Luca is proud of who he is, and that is extremely beautiful.
    • It's a subtle moment, but during Ulgar's apology to Luca, he makes a point that, besides obviously being sorry for trying to kill him, he also feels remorse for making Luca out himself and expose his body in front of everybody, even if it was unintentional.
  • Two moments occur during the team's hasty escape from the tidal wave on Arispade: first, Ulgar notices Luca stumble and hoists him up in an attempt to hand him to Kanata. Then, once they're overpowered by the wave, Luca manages to grab onto a branch and grab Ulgar by the hand. When Ulgar protests, pointing out that he's just extra weight and he was trying to kill him only moments before, Luca tells him to cut the lone wolf crap and accept his help.
  • Ulgar is as grumpy as a grump can be, but the moment Funi is in his vicinity, he loses a lot of his edginess. Even Ulgar can't withstand the power of cute.
    • In an anime-only scene, the team join hands as a sign of camaraderie. Funicia reaches out to Ulgar, the only person who hasn't joined in, and offers her hand- specifically, the one wearing Beego. After a moment, Ulgar sighs and shakes Beego's "paw."
  • Upon being found by Team B-5, Polina realizes she's finally going home after her team is wiped out and years in hibernation.
  • The group, upon realizing that they are all clones made to be vessels for their parents, are breaking down- until Kanata snaps them out of it by declaring that they are are all the family they need.
    Kanata: We'll get home. Then we'll become our own people.
    • Special shoutout to Aries' mother, who is not a terrible parent, loves her daughter, and is the only one truly praying for her to return home.
  • Charce, now ousted as the traitor, activates a wormhole in order to sacrifice himself for his crimes. Kanata is able to save him, but at the cost of his right arm. Kanata then makes Charce promise that someday, when he gets his own ship, he'll be his right-hand man. Literally, this time.
    • The rest of the B-5 team while upset with Charce, still forgive him and accept him back into the group once more.
    • What makes it even better is that Charce shows up seven year later to join Kanata's expedition like he promised.
  • When Team B-5 is reflecting on their favorite parts of their journey now at the end Ulgar expresses appreciation for the time Kanata saved him from drowning. This leads to Aries, Funicia, and Charce all also expressing their thanks for the times Kanata put his body on the line to save their lives as well and it eventually casacades to the entire team tearfully thanking Kanata to leading them to their journey's end.
  • Team B-5 getting their happy endings, and becoming rich and famous in the process.
    • Kanata wrote a book on their adventures that became a bestselling award winner. He then used the money to buy the Astra so he could use it for his space expedition. After seven years like vowed, he's headed out a captain once more.
    • Quitterie became a successful fashion model and married Zach.
    • Pollina is now a high school teacher, with Funi as one of her students.
    • Aries is finally engaged to Kanata after waiting for years.
    • Ulgar became a journalist like his brother and remains close to Lucca.
    • Yun-hua became the professional singer she dreamed of being.
    • Special mention to Charce, who was not only pardoned of all the crimes he committed while abroad the Astra, but also became the king of Vixia! He deserves to be happy, after all the crap he went through. Even then he keeps his promise to be Kanata's right-hand man on his expedition.
    • More than anything else, after all of the shit they went to, both before and during the trip, that they're all alive and living happy lives of their own choices is the best ending anyone could have asked for.
  • The anime's ending includes snapshots of the cast having fun on the ship, such as pictures of Ulgar's birthday party.
  • The finale of the anime with Kanata, Zach and Charce heading out on the Astra to explore the unknown, while Aries, Quitterie, Lucca, and Funi are at Yun-hua's concert, listening to her song commemorating their journey, "the Adventure of Astra".
