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Heartwarming / A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child

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  • Alice's father showing up at the graduation ceremony, saying he hid by the bleachers because he didn't want to embarrass Alice. Alice assures him he couldn't embarrass her. And much later on, he stands by Alice when Dan's parents come by and try to threaten Alice to get custody of Jacob, showing outrage at the nerve the two have. When Alice first found out she was pregnant, Dennis immediately starts doing what he can to help her be prepared.
    Alice: Are you disappointed in me?
    Dennis: No. I'm not.
  • Greta mourning Dan and telling Alice that, she may not believe Freddy Krueger is real, but if there is anything out to get Alice it'll have to go through Greta, Yvonne, and Mark to do so. It goes to show how the Elm Street teenagers genuinely care about each other more than you would think to find in a slasher movie.
  • Alice's meetings with Jacob before discovering he's her son, showing concern for him and letting him know she does care about him. When Jacob says his mother doesn't care about him, Alice tells him she's sure his mom does because she cares about him. The moment Alice realizes who Jacob really is just gives her more incentive to stop Freddy.
  • Mark being totally supportive of Alice while doing research on Freddy and his mother. When he offers the idea of Alice terminating the pregnancy, Alice says no because she feels Jacob inside her and considers him a part of her and of Dan. Mark lets her know right away he agrees with her and says they'll definitely find another way.
  • The ending scene of the picnic Alice is having with her father, Yvonne, and recently born Jacob Daniel Johnson.
  • What eventually saves the day is Alice's determination to protect her loved ones creating Karmic Protection for her when they pay it back.
    • In spite of Alice not knowing who Jacob was initially, she proved she cared about him long before she knew he was her son and her ongoing efforts to protect him from Freddy's influence is what kept Jacob from falling under Freddy's command. Jacob responds, with prodding from Amanda Krueger, by using Freddy's power to save Alice and free the souls of Dan, Mark and Greta.
    • Yvonne showed little patience for Alice's belief that something supernatural was after them, and eventually walked out on Alice and Mark in disgust. Alice still saves Yvonne's life after Freddy tries to kill her, which serves as her wake up call to do everything she can to help Alice.
    • These serve as sort of a flip on the events of the previous film, where Alice beat Freddy after gaining the powers of her friends unleashed the power she had all along. Here, Alice's natural determination and desire to protect those she cares about empowers them to help protect her and stop Freddy.
