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Heartwarming / Aura of the Azure

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As is the case with all pages detailing Heartwarming Moments, Spoilers Off

  • Jin and Weiss' romance is quite nice and comforting as it reminds the audience that deep down, they really are compassionate.
  • The characters hanging out with each other in chapter 40. There are several moments in the chapter that shows that a good number of them see each other as good friends.
  • Though also a Tear Jerker, Pyrrha and Makoto allowing Jaune and Noel to date each other despite having feelings for them shows just how much they truly love them and care about their happiness. Hell, early on when Jin learns that Jaune had feelings for Weiss, he offers to break with with her, but also refuses to let him do that, knowing that Weiss loves Jin and that it would break her heart to allow him to do that.
  • Ragna opening up to Yang despite for many chapters refusing to talk about why he and Jin hate one another so much. It shows that out of all the students at Beacon, Yang is the one he trusts the most... Therefore it is so much more heartbreaking to see Cinder turn Yang against Ragna in the latest chapter.
    • Even more heartwarming/breaking if you believe the theory that Yang is the one that was going to be shipped with Ragna.
  • Ruby's faith in Ragna being restored. She had began to doubt him after he went berserk and killed Penny and Weiss' account of events didn't help his case either, however when she saw half-dead Ragna saved her life from Terumi, she then finally realized that he wasn't the bad guy and that while he may have messed up, he was only doing what he thought was right. It's even more touching when Jubei comes and tries to shoulder all the blame, and Ruby forgives him.
  • Yang and Makoto's kiss was unexpected but still a warm welcome given how it actually made Yang smile given how she had spent every second of the day miserable.
  • Tsubaki telling Weiss to make more of an effort to look out for Whitley. Knowing that he's under Jacques's thumb and is neglected by his family.
  • Taiyang showing that he not only fully accepts and supports Yang's relationship with Makoto. He also admits that from what Makoto told him, he sees a lot of Ravan within Ragna.
  • The beginning of chapter 59 shows how close Ragna and Yang were as friends and the two planned to enjoy more of the festival together. Then everything went wrong.
  • Amane choosing to stay in Vale to help people for as long as he's needed.
