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Headscratchers / Wrong Turn

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  • I am the only one who noticed that this is a rip-off of The Hills Have Eyes?
    • Oh come on, that's not fair at all! They're ripping off The Texas Chainsaw Massacre way more! (seriously, the second movie even has a blatant copycat of the dinner scene from TCM)
  • Ok...cannibalistic hillbillies.Got it. That NONE of the other residents know anything about? Or that they have allowed to live near them? And that don't prey on fellow residents? Huh?
    • They probably don't eat anyone living nearby so as not to draw attention to themselves.
      • Are they smart enough to do that?
      • Well, they can do things like drive and make a deal with the creepy gas station guy...
      • Pretty sure killing dozens upon dozens of people, including police officers, would be enough to draw attention.
  • While the sequel has Wayne Robson's gas station attendant character as a relative/accomplice of the hillkillers, in this film, when he sees their truck headed back to his service station, he runs inside and hunkers down, implying that he knows about them, but isn't exactly their ally. Does this fall under Canon Discontinuity, the gas station owner and the old-timer form the second movie being different characters despite their shared actor, or simply that branch of the family being too crazy or mean even for him?
