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Headscratchers / Ushio and Tora

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  • So here's something that confuses me: Mikado Hizuki. She was introduced in episode 4 as a miko/spiritualist that sealed the Gamin family when the old man from the beginning's grandfather was a kid, so not much more than 200 hundred years ago. This is fine, but THEN when we learn about the other Oyakume-sama later in the show, not only is Mikado one of them she's A) not blonde like she was shown before, and B) from a WAY earlier time period than the Mikado that sealed the heads. So what's going on? Are there two Mikado's in the same family? That makes sense, but the show never addresses there being two Mikados. Or is this supposed to be the same Mikado, but after she'd done her duty as Oyakume-sama? It's possible the incident with the heads took place right around the time Ushio's mother took over, so it's not crazy, but there's still the problem of supposed pre-Oyakume-sama Mikado being brunette and after-Oyakume-sama Mikado being blonde.
    • If I'm not mistaken, it goes like this: Yuki (Jie Mei's Japanese incarnation) was the first Oyakume. After centuries of warding off Hakumen, her powers waned and she enlisted Hizaki Mikado, the second Oyakume (and, by the time of the manga is set, the current leader of Ushio's father buddhist group). In turn, when Hizaki's powers grew too weak to hold Hakumen at bay (after around 300 years), Jie Mei hired Ushio's future mother Sumako. Since the process of warding off Hakumen greatly slows down age to a standstill, we can assume that Hizaki sealed the Gamin Sama and became leader of the group after her period of guard, growing old as a result. (I guess that guarding Hakumen did gave her some sort of longevity). As for the hair, I guess she was a brunette/dark blonde in her youth but her hair lightened during the years.
