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Headscratchers / There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension

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Unmarked spoilers ahead!
  • Why was Game trying to hide the User from GiGi and the Creator in the final chapter?
    • Given Gigi's reaction, it probably has to do with that. As for the Creator, he would probably not re-merge Game and Gigi (at least until Gigi points out the cyber attack caused by Mr. Glitch).
  • In The Stinger with Sherlock Holmes and Watson, where did they even get soap and water for the bath tub (and presumably a drain plug too)?
    • It couldn't be because the area has no gravity since that would mean the water would be flowing out of the bath tub, and given that there's none in sight during chapter 2, it's unknown where they got it.
      • Given that Sherlock and Holmes was in the game's dictionary, the place where they hold all the assets of the game, they likely somehow got the stuff they needed around here.
