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Headscratchers / The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl

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  • Where exactly did we get the information that her lips taste like hazelnuts?
    • Wolverine, most likely.
    • The issue of I Heart Marvel where she kissed Speedball.
  • Who would win in a fight: Squirrel Girl, or The Sentry?
    • Considering Sentry's strength fluctuates between more-godlike-than-Silver-Age-Superman and being-hurt-by-a-dog-bite... Squirrel Girl. Heck, even the Void would probably get his butt kicked.
  • I don't mean any insult here, but...doesn't she kind of have the same opinion about modern comics as Alexander freaking Luthor? Even ignoring what Luthor did, his views are seen as a Take That, Audience!, while hers make her so beloved...does anyone else notice a double standard?
    • Alexander Luthor's views are seen as a Take That, Audience! because of what he did. Squirrel Girl, meanwhile, has a similar opinion but is in all respects a genuinely nice heroine who does heroic things and does not do villainous things, and so her views are inevitably presented in a much more sympathetic light. Not really a double standard.
    • Yes, but Alexander Luthor's way of dealing with these things is 'give up and start over', while Squirrel Girl's way of doing it is 'inspire other people to be better'. For example, Squirrel Girl doesn't like that Speedball became Penance, but she didn't try to murder or mind-wipe Penance; she tried to help him heal from the trauma by telling him that the Stamford Incident wasn't his fault.
    • Simple: SG's views are supposed to be agreed with, whereas Luthor was meant to be a strawman.
    • They're made by different people in different companies who have different ideas on how the stories should go.
