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Headscratchers / The Relic

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  • If the homeless man who later turns out to be a convicted rapist and a suspect was living in the sub-basement, how did he not encounter or even get killed by the Kothoga that was living down there as well?
    • Even the Kothoga knows not to mess with that guy.
    • It is possible that the Kothoga was still satiated enough at that point to not be indiscriminate in its killings, but as it gets older, it starts to hunger more for the hormones it needs. Then if the homeless scumbag had stayed there longer, he might have gotten munched, or another theory is that the Kothoga had territorial instincts and stuck around its "nest" when it wasn't lopping off heads. The homeless guy wasn't anywhere near its "territory."
    • There wasn't a long time between when the Mbwun leaves were moved to the Secure Area (thus cutting off Mbwun from his food supply), and the homeless man was apprehended. If the police had needed more time to find the homeless man, then there's a good chance that Mbwun would've gotten to him first and fed on his hypothalamus.
  • Before the Kothoga kills him, why was Dr. Frock (the guy in the wheelchair) happy and even smiling at it when it was obviously about to kill him?
    • Frock was a scientist who discovered new things to the end. Maybe he also recognized Dr. Whitney as the monster.
  • Why didn't the Kothoga kill the German Shepherd, Pollux, in the sewers? It killed the other one, Castor, but spares Pollux despite killing its handler, Bradley.
    • It is likely that the Kothoga killed the first dog to see if it could feed on dogs (or other animals) the same way it would feed on humans. Realizing that it didn't work, there was also no need to kill the second dog. It's also possible that if the Kothoga still had some of its human intelligence, it spared the one dog, knowing that a human would come looking for it and then eat him.
  • Why does the Kothoga have that wheezing problem?
    • The transformation probably was causing it a lot of pain. When it killed the security guard, it was still small enough to fit into the bathroom to grab and drag him out. When we finally see it in the museum's center, he looks like a small elephant. Growing that big and fast must have been hard on its body.
  • Why does the Kothoga hesitate when alone with Dr. Frock and Margo?
    • The most likely reason is that Dr. Whitney recognizes his former colleagues.
  • How does the Kothoga know its way around the museum well enough to seem as if it's teleporting?
    • It used to work there when it was human.
