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Headscratchers / The Mr. Men Show

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If some characters don't like being around others, why don't they just move away?
One thing I don't get is that if some characters like Mr. Fussy don't like living next to Mr. Messy, or Mr. Grumpy doesn't like being around others who can't leave him alone, why can't they just move to another house or another place? I'm not sure if they're just cursed that if they moved, someone else would bother them (since the characters' houses always changed locations every episode.) In "Next Door", Mr. Nervous states that he should've sold his house when Miss Scary moved next to him.

Mr. Grumpy does not believe in snow monsters, despite he saw a swamp monster before
In "Bad Weather", Mr. Grumpy lashes out on Miss Scary about the existence of a snow monster. I can understand one way since Miss Scary sometimes can say stuff just to frighten others. BUT, Mr. Grumpy lives in a world where aliens, monsters and magic exist. Not only that, but he did experienced seeing a swamp monster in the last season that tried to attack him. If Mr. Stubborn was with Miss Scary rather than Grumpy, it would've made more sense. Did Mr. Stubborn rubbed off of Mr. Grumpy the times they hanged out, or it's just the writers?
