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Headscratchers / The Happytime Murders

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  • Puppets are repeatedly demonstrated and intimated to be second-class citizens. Yet, nobody seems to look down on a human for dating a puppet, or vice versa. Why is this? Perhaps it's because there's no evidence to suggest that a child could come from a human-puppet union?
    • In a deleted scene, some of the police officers see a woman holding hands with a puppet and make negative comments, showing there is a prejudice, though maybe not very openly shown.

  • This would be more at home in a Fridge Logic section...but Larry's murder was basically a gigantic Batman Gambit. The murderer was very lucky:
    • That the dogs could quickly find their way to the roof, instead of just sniffing around and exploring until they got caught.
    • That, even though Larry was with someone else at the time, she was too distracted to notice the dogs on the roof, and the noise was too loud to hear Larry's cries for help. Further, if she had been just a bolder or slightly faster, she may have been able to pull the dogs off of Larry or just scare them away—the killer was very lucky she was the type to panic in a disaster.
    • That Larry was out in the open, in easy grabbing position in a hot tub on the floor, and not in a locked room or even just sitting on some high furniture.
    • That Larry HIMSELF hadn't heard the dogs coming up, and therefore made no move to protect himself.
    • ...just saying, there were a lot of things that had to go just right for that to happen.
    • Seeing that this film parodies adult thrillers and film noirs, and it's also taking into account the Muppet-style movies of the past, of course something that ridiculous of a death by dog would happen in the way described.

  • When he's being beaten up in jail, Phil says that Puppets have no bones; yet just a few scenes later at the airport, he's complaining about his ankle hurting?
    • Puppets may not have bones, but they obviously has some sort of puppet version of joints. Perhaps a stitch came loose, or a rod (used traditionally by a puppeteer to move a puppet's limbs) bent or came loose.
  • Why would Detective Edwards turn in her badge to Agent Campbell? He works for the FBI, not the LAPD, so he shouldn't have that authority over her.
    • He could probably pull some strings to get her fired.
