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Headscratchers / The Devil's Advocate

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  • So what actually happens at the end of this film? We find ourselves back in the opening scenes but Kevin retains his memories of what happened. Was the whole thing a dream, is it God giving him a second chance? It also undermines the whole free will thing. I get the idea that they were going for in that humans will always make the same mistakes and give in to their desires but it seems very vague and tacked on.
    • It's possible that during his Villainous Breakdown, when he assumes his celestial form, that Milton turns time itself back to the beginning of him executing his plan (the Geddys case being the moment that Kevin truly showed how amoral he was becoming). Milton seems relieved to have another chance, this time tempting Lomax from a different angle.

  • Are the people Mary Ann sees as demons actually demons with their true form revealed or is Satan just manipulating her to see things that aren't there?
    • They could be half-demons. Milton mentions having "So many children, so many disappointments." While they may not have been the offspring he needed to produce the Antichrist, it would make sense to keep them around for other uses.

  • Do the other members and employees of the firm know that Milton is Satan? Obviously some do and there's a bit of an implication that the employees may be demons but does everyone know and accept that fact? For example did Eddie Barzoon know? The reporter that comes up to Kevin outside of the church says that "Milton's into everything" so did Eddie know or was he seeing how deep the proverbial rabbit hole goes?
    • Judging by what the movie presents, presumably many of Milton’s kids (the useful ones at least) work in his firm, but he’ll also hire useful regular humans. Eddie Barzoon was probably the latter, and an unfortunate mix of ambitious enough to want more, but not smart enough to see the connections until it was too late.

  • So Milton's plan was to get Kevin and Christabella to have sex with one another to conceive the anti-christ, but wouldn't that make either Kevin or Christabella the anti-christ as both are his children? I thought you just had to be the child of satan, not the incestuous offspring of satan's kids to be the anti-christ.
    • Might be that Milton is prepping. Presumably, he could use any one of his children as the Antichrist and kick start the plan, but he wants to be sure he has the strongest kid he could in his corner, so he fathers as many children as he can, then picks out the best pair he can, and has them go at it, presumably distilling whatever element he’s searching.
    • Perhaps it's the symbolically sinful aspect of it. Like in The Omen the Antichrist was birthed by a jackal, here it has to be a spawn of incest, either way an abomination in the eyes of God.
