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Headscratchers / Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

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  • Was aborting the launched missile in the Chaos Theory level Battery really necessary? Surely one anti-ship missile couldn't hope to make it past the combined CIWS fire of the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan and its escorts (and that's if none of the Reagan's aircraft shot it down).
    • The USS Walsh just got taken out by the same type of missile that got past its defenses. There was no way to tell if the Reagan or her escorts was going to get hit with an information warfare attack, so the safest course of action would be to have Sam take it out. He's right in the battery, why not put him to good use.
      • Given that the Reagan was laid down in 1998, and that the CIWS and ECM systems it employs predate the internet by decades, it seems highly unlikely that they could be remotely disabled, especially given that Grímsdóttir says "Even if it gets past the Reagan's Phalanx..." after Sam aborts the missile.
      • Hollywood Hacking? This is Splinter Cell we're talking about.
