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Headscratchers / Shenmue

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  • Whenever Ryo gets fired from his warehouse job, why didn't his boss wait to fire him til after he finished his shift?
    • Because that means he has to pay him for that day too. Get him out the door before he does any work = more money saved. Pretty common method for termination in non-salaried jobs, really. There's also the fact that they let him go for being a Fight Magnet, and they didn't want to have that kind of liability on the payroll any longer.
  • Okay, so Ryo's quest for revenge is pointless. But if he doesn't follow it, Lan Di will return and kill him. How does that fit with the game's moral?
    • Well actually, Lan Di would only return to take the Phoenix Mirror since he was somehow informed that Iwao also had it. If Ryo didn’t try to fight him and gave him the Phoenix Mirror, Lan Di would have left for good.
