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Headscratchers / Root Letter

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  • So was the real Aya actually a Jerkass? As Shiori's personality is taken over by Aya's, we see that she becomes harsher to her friends, even in routes where she is not fully possessed by Aya.
    • The only routes we have to go on is Princess of Himegamori, which leads to a bad ending. In that first scenario, Aya is stated by her own father to have psychopathic tendencies (growing jealous of Shiori to the point where she wants to kill her). In Cursed Letter, it can be argued that she was a vengeful spirit due to the fact that she died so young to an illness; the remaining 3 endings (Goverment Conspirancy, Normal and True Ending) she either doesn't exists at all, or isn't described in terms of personality.
    • The upcoming Last Answer has a scenario mode (?) that'll answer what happens to the endings depicted in the game.
