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Headscratchers / Poltergeist II: The Other Side

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  • Kane couldn't be let in the house unless Steven let him in. ('Let me IN!!!") Aside from the Tequila scene where he swallowed the worm. There has been no way he could have gone into the house. Yet after the Let me in part, he was able to get Robbie with his Braces, and throw Steven across the room, and that was before the Tequila scene.
    • When that happens, Taylor goes right to Carol Anne to look after her. Steve asks him What the Hell, Hero?, and Taylor replies that it's Carol Anne that Kane is after, not Robbie, and protecting her was important. This implies that the situation with Robbie may have been somewhat like the famous face-peeling scene from the first movie; i.e. not entirely real. It's possible that it was mostly an illusion and Robbie was in no true danger, but was merely intended to serve as a distraction so Kane could get to an unprotected Carol Anne.
      • It seems clear that the scene with the hungry tree (and tornado) from the first movie was a distraction to isolate Carol Anne from the rest of the family so she could be taken again. Like how the spirits have their way with Dianne while they try to grab Carol Anne a second time.
