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Headscratchers / No More Heroes III

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  • What happened to Henry's Irish accent?
    • He remembered his actual past and decided not to do it anymore
  • Extraterrestrial definitions of "superhero"
  • We know what FU, Black Night Direction, Gold Joe, and Mr. Blackhole did to end up in the Blackhole Prison, but what did the others do that caused them to be put behind bars?
  • How did Destroyman come back this time considering there was No Body Left Behind the last time he exploded? Although it is possible a relative of his is skilled at robotics, who just patterned an AI off of his personality and implanted it into a robotic shell, it might also explain Destroyman's weapons he had in the previous games.
    • Perhaps Utopinia had a hand in it?
    • Why would they do that? If it was a relative, it would be because they cared about Destroyman and wanted to upgrade him for revenge against his murderers
    • He most likely worked on the mass production operations himself while he was still alive thanks to the funds amassed from his media career and covert terrorist activities/pilfering of military funds, the latter of which was explained by Notorious. The kind of facility and operation he did would've most likely been years in the making, especially if they things were happening all over the world.
  • Why was Sonic Juice in the Blackhole prison, when he said his people are waiting for him implying they need him?
    • Not every alien has to have been in the prison. FU knows Gold Joe, Vanishing Point, and Sonic Juice from before Blackhole prison.
    • that's not answering it, I'm asking if he's an important person for his people, why was he in jail and that he seemed to be the only good alien who questioned FU and didn't want him. He had Travis's respect
      • Accomplice to criminality, presumably he was already subjugated by FU at that point and forced to be in servitude. Blackhole already revealed that all of FU's "friends" might not be in service to him for the most noble reasons, since he'd destroyed several of their worlds already.
  • Why did Sylvia say that Sonic Juice was ranked 3rd despite the fact that Paradox Bandit was killed by FU?
  • How is Travis on FU's level at the end of the game, when even Paradox Bandit got killed fairly easily by him?
    • Training with Notorious, and even then he needed all of his friends to help him.
    • But Travis still had a boss fight with Sonic Juice
      • He would have still had to rise through the rankings as per the rules. FU wasn't allowed to circumvent them to fight him earlier, despite that Travis' strength levels had clearly increased throughout the game (getting new skills from Native Dancer, going on a training montage), and then having a full lineup of friends and partners he met during the journey to take on the final battle this time, whereas previously barely three people got to lay a scratch on FU.
