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Headscratchers / Nemesis Saga

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  • Project Hyperion's account of Nemesis Prime's death conflicts with the backstory of her offspring in Project Maigo: If she was already dead when Hyperion buried her, then when did she lay those eggs?
    • Nemesis Prime's pilot was still alive inside her corpse, so she may have been clinging to life long enough to poop them out.
    • Word of God is that the eggs weren't laid per sae, but were exposed as Nemesis Prime's corpse decayed.
  • So considering a big reveal with Project Hyperion concerning Alessi's identity does this seem like a bit of an ass pull to anyone else? Considering in Project 731 she helped raid GOD's HQ so that seems a bit much even for a double agent. Head cannon is currently somepoint between Project 731 and Project Hyperion Alessi was killed and replaced and Cole was just screwing with Hudson and co to keep them on edge.
