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Headscratchers / Melody Time

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Nobody has navels?

  • Why doesn’t Pecos Bill have a belly button on his belly when he was shirtless during his childhood days?
    • Either he was born with one, but was removed or he never was born with one.
    • Back when this was made, belly buttons were considered obscene/inappropriate to be seen.

No diapers?

  • Why did Pecos Bill wear a red loincloth instead of a diaper when he was a baby?
    • Either he never wore a diaper or he was constantly considered to wear a loincloth instead.

Whatever did happen to his loincloth?

  • What became of Pecos Bill’s red loincloth after growing up to be a bigger boy?
    • It was either disposed or discarded because he started to wear a furry loincloth.
