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Headscratchers / Magic 2.0

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    Why Doesn't Phillip Actually Try to Prove Free Will? 
  • It seems like free will would be very easy to prove or disprove by attempting to go back in time to a time you know you never went back to.
    • He tried it and it didn't work. One example is when he went back to the Kennedy assassination to see who the man on the grassy knoll was; it turned out it was him.
      • That's not really trying to disprove it though, just investigating history. His theory is that time loops are basically the result of free will happening over and over until it stabilizes, he could prove this by going ten minutes into the past, in front of himself, at a time when he knows that this did not happen, thus provably changing the past and proving free will.
      • Probably because, considering the number of stable time loops he's seen, he can't bear the idea that he'll try it and prove himself wrong. Safer to just not.

    Century discrepancy 
  • Martin and Phillip live during the reign of King Eustace (renames Arthur here), which ended in mid-12th century. This is also where the book they all read directed them to. And yet, when Sid and Gilbert take Mattie and Brewster to see their parents' wedding, we're told it took place in 1457. It doesn't seem likely that Martin and Gwen would have waited 300 years to get married. Also, the description implies it happened not long after the whole debacle with the Brits. And I doubt the magicians were just messing with the kids. There's nothing to be gained by mid-stating the date. Also, they get married in Castle Camelot, and it gets destroyed at the end of the next book, still in the 12th century.

    iPhone 6 
  • In the first novel, Martin recognizes Gwen's smartphone as an iPhone 6. The phone fits Gwen's year of origin (2014), except Martin should have no business knowing the version of the phone, since he's from 2012. All he should be able to tell by the Apple logo on the back is that it's an iPhone.

    Who trained whom? 
  • In the prologue of book 3 (which is a flashback), Phillip asks Gary how he likes having an apprentice, with the implication that it's Gary's first. Except in book 1 Tyler says that Gary trained him and Jeff, and both Tyler and Jeff are present when Phillip asks Gary that question.
