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Headscratchers / Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles

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  • If Harry had never heard of the Bible or Christianity, how did he A. Know the Sinner's Prayer and B. Cite Luke 23:34?
  • What denominations are the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs? We know the Slytherins are Catholics, and can assume Gryffindors are whatever denomination the author is/is pretending to be. Are the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws Mormons? Lutherans? Greek Orthodox?
    • The Hufflepuffs are non-evangelic Christianity, and the Ravenclaws are Christian fundamentalist strawmen.
  • Why are the Slytherins Catholics? She knows that Slytherins are usually the bad guys, right?
    • Many Protestants (who are fundamentalists) see the Catholic Church as evil.
    • As other users have already pointed out, this fic takes a lot of influence from Chick Tracts, which portray the Catholic Church as Satanic at best (more specifically, creator Jack Chick blamed Catholics for the Holocaustnote , the assassinations of multiple American presidentsnote , the creation of Communism, the formation of the Ku Klux Klannote , and basically every other horrible event that happened throughout human history.) He also believed in an Ancient Conspiracy that the Church was keeping the name of every Protestant in a computer database so they could wipe them out and bring forth the New World Order, and that Satan himself created every single Catholic tradition as part of an evil scam. So it's possible that this fic is anti-Catholic simply because many fundamentalists hold the viewpoint that Catholics aren't "real" Christians, or it could be referencing (perhaps mocking) Jack Chick's theories.
