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Headscratchers / Good Boys

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    Ecstasy bottle and that snooping cop at the freeway store 
  • When Max, Thor and Lucas are at a freeway store trying to buy pain-relief medicine for Lucas's injured arm, a police officer comes in. Lucas panics and admits to both playing hooky and having a Schedule 1 controlled substance (it's Ecstasy but he doesn't state so explicitly) then surrendering it to the cop. The cop corrects Lucas that it's just vitamins. But then when the boys give Hannah the bottle, Hannah finds that it's also vitamins. So what happened? Did somebody swap the bottles so that the cop has a bottle full of ecstasy but the label still says "Vitamins"?
    • The cop did not look in the bottle to confirm that it was vitamins, he just stated that it was vitamins based on the label on the bottle. They didn’t show it, but it is likely that the boys just bought another bottle of vitamins to give the girls.
    • If you watch the scene where they flee from the convenience store, you'll see their vitamin bottle still on the counter. They left the drugs with the police officer and bought a new vitamin bottle. That's also why they were annoyed with Thor about the bluff after getting caught: "I told you they'd look inside the bottle!"
