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Headscratchers / Contagion (2011)

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  • How exactly did Sun Feng's plan to hold Dr. Orantes ransom work? According to the movie, she's taken to his home village. In that case, wouldn't the authorities simply come looking for her there? After all, that seems like the most likely place to start the search. And once she's been released, wouldn't the whole village face repercussions as accomplices to the plot?
    • Its possible Sun Feng's home village is a relatively obscure and isolated one. Given how it appears to have been clear of infection throughout the whole pandemic. And even if Dr Orantes is an important hostage, her home government cant exactly expend a ton of time and resources looking for her (and presumably having to fight for her) in a time when even urban advanced nations are having difficult times supplying their citizens with enough food.
      • Sun stated that this was all that remained of his village.
