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Headscratchers / Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation

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  • This second movie is supposed to be about a "new generation" of Care Bears, but it's really an alternate continuity to the first movie (explained on the main page). Why was all this confusion necessary?

  • The whole movie takes place within the short time frame of a summer camp session. Yet the Care Bears and the Care Bear Cousins grow from being babies to something like young adults in "what seemed to be the twinkling of an eye." How long was that twinkling of an eye - did they literally mature in the course of several days or a week? Or does time pass more slowly in Care-a-lot and the Forest of Feelings (which are described as "timeless") than in the "real world"?
    • Maybe Care Bears grow up fast and then live forever or something.

  • Almost all the Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins are described as orphans in this film. So how does Grams Bear from the Care Bears Family TV series figure into the story - is she a long-lost biological grandmother, and if so, whose? Of more bears or only of Baby Hugs and Tugs?
    • Chances are those characters were developed after the movie was released.
      • Grams was introduced alongside Baby Hugs and Tugs in 1984, prior to the first movie (and the latter appeared in it).

  • Is the final song "Forever Young" meant to imply that the Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins will never grow old? If so, how, once again, does Grams Bear factor into the equation?
    • Love and caring keeps you young. Or something.

  • Why doesn't this camp have any counselors or other authority figures, apart from the "Camp Champ"?
    • The writers probably didn't bother with making characters that wouldn't amount to anything.
  • Dark Heart's human now. Okay. Fine. But... How will they explain that to everyone? This kid with no record or parents or anything just shows up at summer camp

  • What I want to know is, what's Dark Heart going to do when camp is over and everyone else goes back to school? Does he go to live with Christy? "Mom, Dad, meet my friend Dark Heart. He doesn't have parents so he's just going to sleep in the treehouse."

  • This Troper has lots of questions, and they’re all about the Great Wishing Star himself. Why was he looking for the Care Bears? How long had he been looking for them? Who, if anyone, created him? Did he create Care-A-Lot and the Forest of Feelings? What’s his relation to the Star and Heart Buddies? Is there a heart version of him? How does he know who Dark Heart is?
