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Headscratchers / Batman (1966)

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Headscratchers for Batman (1966).

  • In "The Thirteenth Hat" the Commissioner reported that there had been "Three more hats stolen right out from under our noses...not to mention their owners." How exactly did he know the hats had been stolen? We saw the kidnappings and the people were alone at the time. Did the Commissioner just notice that there were no hats left behind after the kidnapping and assume they'd been stolen rather than just left on the kidnap victims' heads?
    • Considering how many hats had already gone missing, he probably had his officers ask the victims' associates if they had hats on when they were last seen.
    • Since Mad Hatter is a well known criminal in Gotham, and since the city is full of unusual crimes altogether, he has to keep tabs on some of the stranger things in his city.
  • The episode "Joker's Provokers" features probably the only in-universe example of this: the episode revolves around Joker's magic box, which is somehow able to speed up, reverse and stop time via hypnotism and some special pills he plans to dissolve into Gotham's water supply. After the threat is over, Robin asks Batman how being hypnotized can allow someone to affect your passage of time (ie. not just their perception of it, as the effect is shown to be affecting even inanimate objects and gravity somehow), to which his only answer is to absentmindedly wax philosophical about how little they know about the nature of time.
  • Concerning the King Tut character: When Professor William McElroy gets hit on the head, why does he think he's King Tut of all people? Tutankhamun died at age 18 and the professor is middle aged at least.
    • In the first episode, it is outright stated that the villain King Tut thinks he is the reincarnation of Tutankhamun, returned to turn Gotham City into the center of a new Egyptian Empire.
    • The professor is clearly established to be an expert on Egyptology, perhaps out of a childhood interest towards the subject. He believed himself to be the "reincarnation" of King Tut first and foremost, so the state of insanity he was in no doubt meshed with his obsession to create this persona.
    • The fact that he believes he is an ancient Egyptian Pharoah is evidence that he is crazy enough to think he is 18, don't you think (or that people only think he died at that young age)? Also, don't know my Egyptian historiography all that well, but its possible that in the 1960's people did not know what age Tutankhamun was when he died, or at least debated about it. Its also possible that "King Tut" is meant to be a different pharoah entirely, one made up for the show.
      • Tut was known as "the boy king" long before the show was produced.
    • He has a head injury. He's delusional. Delusional people generally tend not to question the logical foundation of their delusions that closely — if they did, they wouldn't be delusional.
  • Are Julie Newmar and Eartha Kitt's Catwoman meant to be the same person? Putting aside the different ethnicities, they don't even act like each other.
    • This is more of The Other Darrin situation : that level of continuity was not a major concern in television of the 1960s, as demonstrated also with the widely diverging interpretations of Mister Freeze throughout the series and the odd misstep when John Astin played at Riddler who laments he was not intelligent enough to make it through high school in direct contradiction of Frank Gorshin's Riddler's warped but considerable intelligence.
