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Headscratchers / Awkward Zombie

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  • Who is the third Nouveau Riche on Marth's nobility tier? Here is a partial list:
    • Royalty: Marthnote , Lucinanote , Peachnote , Zeldanote , Gannondorfnote , Bowsernote 
    • Divinity: Palutenanote 
    • Nobility: Simon, Richternote , Roynote , Rosalinanote 
    • Knighthood: Pitnote , Meta Knight, BOTW Link
    • Nouveau Riche: Warionote , Olimarnote , and who is this blonde person?
    • Bourgeois: Dr. Mario, Isabelle, Pac-Man, Villager, Wii Fit Trainer.
    • Mercenary: Captain Falcon, Snake, Fox, Falco, Cloud.
