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Headscratchers / Apple & Onion

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  • What if there are a bunch of people that are the same food? What would their names be? Or would they share the same name?
    • Well, you can count Apple and Onion's parents...
  • If anyone can escape jail by getting flushed down the toilet, why doesn't Beef Jerky flush himself down the toilet?
    • Apple and Onion are small enough to fit in the toilet bowl (well, small enough by cartoon standards, at least).
  • The characters eat regular food despite being foods themselves. Is it considered cannibalism for, say, ice cream to eat ice cream? Do they face a crisis everyday because of this?
    • The creator, George Gendi, also worked on the Amazing World of Gumball where they had an episode centered around Darwin's guilt for eating potatoes in front of his friend Idaho, a talking potato. Idaho explains he wasn't bothered by the potato eating and goes on to be offended that they thought he was the same as those potatoes. It's possible Apple and Onion's world operates on a similar rule in that they are food but they are not the same as grocery food. So not cannibalism.
  • Onion's romance with French Fry. Did they later hook up? Decide to stay friends?
    • It seems to have been dropped. So far, he hasn't shown any signs of romantic interest in her outside of the pilot.
  • If two different foods were to have a baby, would the baby be a combination of those two foods or would it be one chosen food?
  • Is Swedish Herring supposed to be an organic or man-made food?
  • Why did they change the opening to one that seems so much more depressing and awkward, especially since it seems to go so outside of the shows usual vibe.
    • It basically has to do with the financial and social staus of Apple and Onion during the final part of the series. Basically, their lifes became a bit more miserable than usual, what with a very hard and boring job.
  • Why, in "Apple's In Trouble", does Apple apologise to Lemondrop for scolding her, but the latter doesn't apologise for ruining the bills at the beginning?
