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Funny / Ys IX: Monstrum Nox

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This page contains unmarked spoilers. Read at your discretion.

  • Adol's interrogation at the start of the game involving him being asked about his many shipwrecks and tendency to lose all of the equipment from his previous adventure.
  • Doll transforming back into Anemona to steal the saintess statue back from the fake Monstrums after they've locked themselves in a jail cell.
    • Hawk using a special whistle to call the knights without a moment's hesitation afterwards and the absolute glee on his face when he explains it.
    • It gets Brick Joke status during a later infiltration when Maxim lets the trio out of their cell simply to use them as a distraction, even claiming that they look exactly like the actual Monstrums so as to cause a distraction for the guards, despite the thieves either being a Gonk or a crossdresser.
  • If you make the Infinity +1 Sword for Adol, one of the dialogue choices is him lamenting that he might lose that one, too.
  • One graffiti message is someone complaining that there are footprints on the side of his house, causing White Cat to feel guilty if you read it right after she joins the party.
  • After Adol faints at the end of Chapter 7, once he regains consciousness in Chapter 8, Dogi can't help but remark that it's rare to see Adol get knocked out when there's no ocean or river to do that.
  • Completing the map of Prison City of Balduq along with the discoverable objects in the city allows the group to meet Morbihan, the spirit of the Loir river. When the party encounters it in the marketplace piernote , Morbihan enthusiastically urges the group to take him as their "prize", to which the party responds with several second of silence of bewilderment before Credo finally breaks it with single "...the hell?".
