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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Felix surmises that the attackers must be using phone jammers.
    Felix: They're illegal, but you can get 'em on the internet for, like, thirty bucks.
    Drake: Felix, you fuckin' lowlife!
    Felix: What're you calling me a lowlife for, man?! I'm just trying to help the situation!
  • A moment of Black Comedy but Aimee claiming how the parents never trusted her and consequently making a run for going outside the house to get help only to get clotheslined by a perfectly placed barbed wire and get a Slashed Throat.
  • This priceless exchange:
    Erin: [to Felix after killing one of the invaders] Thanks for your help by the way.
    Felix: You seem to have a handle on it.
  • Drake getting stabbed in the back with an arrow and after doping up on painkillers, walking around as if everything's fine. When he pulls out the arrow, he faints immediately.
    • The fact that what caused him to do that was that it hurt when it got caught on the wire which killed Aimee.
  • Zee trying to tell Erin that Crispian, who's leaving the house to get help, will be okay because he's brave. Erin automatically says "no, he's not" but she appreciates the thought.
  • Felix stabbing Drake with an almost entire set of screwdrivers who refuses to die leading to the Why Won't You Die? reaction.
  • Zee tries to get frisky with Felix, leading to this darkly hilarious exchange:
  • "And unlike you, I liked my brother."
  • Erin throwing a pan of water she had boiled at Felix, only to realize that it has gone cold by now. Felix mocks her for this right before he slips on the water and falls to the ground.
    • When he gets up and tries coming at her again, Erin just kicks the door into his face and knocks him back down.
  • Felix's death by blender to the head.
  • A funny ringtone breaks the silence after Erin has just collapsed to the floor between the bodies of Felix and Zee after she has defeated and viciously killed them both.
  • Crispian telling Erin that he backed out of physically murdering his relatives because "he's a pacifist". And in the same conversation has the nerve to point out that it's a bit odd that Erin would know how to kill people... in a situation that he put her in.
