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Funny / Wayside

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GeneralPilot Movie
  • Todd having to dodge the objects falling from the top floor.
  • The first time Maurecia punches Todd.
  • When Todd points out that he came in the school through the window because the other kids did, Louis goes out the door and back in through the window.
  • Kidswatter leaves the mic on and keeps going on about Todd's past and arguing with Louis on how to turn off the mic. The best part probably is when he says "Stupid mic" and a little kid with a name tag that says 'Mike' starts crying.
  • The students and teacher in the short classroom hurting their hands when they raise them.
  • Todd noticing that the boys' bathroom is visible from the hall.
  • Science class means throwing objects out the window to test gravity.
    • And throwing Todd's desk out just as he's about to sit down.
  • Myron was once elected class president and his only job was to turn on the light switch. He failed, he can't even remember what a light switch is.
  • Mrs Jewls mistaking Todd for a monkey.
  • The kids' greetings for Todd.
  • Todd's first time on the kindergarten bus. A girl throws up, thinking he'd like to see it, and a boy puts Todd's earbuds in his nose.
  • Miss Mush thinking that the trash compacter is Mrs. Jewls' classroom.
  • Todd pushes a set of lockers in front of the boys' room window, only to realize he uncovered the girls' room window.
  • The corrosive effects of the Mushroom Surprise when Todd pours it on the kitchen floor.
  • Almost everyone voting for themselves in the election.
  • Kidswatter gains a hatred of doors and bans the word 'door'; he renames them 'goozacks'.
    Kidswatter: Open the goozack! Shut the goozack! Lock the goozack! There's a draft coming from the goozack!
  • Miss Mush wanting to be class president.
  • Todd finding out that the class president will be determined by a dodgeball game.
  • Kidswatter being overly enthusiastic during the class president "election". He even hits Louis and hysterically taunts him for getting out before Louis tells him that he's the referee. And that's before the game starts.
  • Kidswatter not taking Todd's warnings about the walls in Mrs. Jewls' classroom moving during announcements seriously. When Todd begs him to listen, Kidswatter appears to acquiesce and backs up, asking Todd to start talking. However, when Todd does so, Kidswatter hits him with the dodgeball and teases him, only for Maurecia to take the ball and hit Kidswatter, making him a sore loser.
    Louis: (gives a thumbs-up) Rules are rules, Mr. K. You're not class president.
  • When the dodgeball is accidentally deflated by Fluffy, everyone looks at Todd for information from his rulebook, which says “get another ball".
  • Louis' cow impression. Need we say more?
  • Louis' conversation with Todd on the bench is interrupted when the former sees Shari sleeping on the field and rushes off to intervene.
  • Myron getting excited at the prospect of winning the dodgeball game, only for the ball to bounce off his stomach, eliminating him.
    • Then there's his reaction to losing the dodgeball game. See the Big "NO!" video on the main page for more details.
  • Louis realizing where the trash compactor is.
  • Maurecia liking the idea of her name sharing the discipline list with Todd's.
  • This bit when Todd can't open the office door:
    Todd (yelling): Myron! Let us in right now!
    Louis (also yelling, right next to Todd): Toddster! He can't hear us in there!
  • Mrs. Jewls thinking "squished" isn't a real word and telling Dana that "squashed” is the correct one. It happens twice.
  • The results of Todd's attempts to find out how to stop the trash compactor by activating random switches and buttons.
    • Then, soon after Louis pushes the Big Red Button, he gets sent down a twisty tube slide to the principal's office.
    Myron (after Louis lands in the office): Louis? What are you doing here?
    Louis: I don't know, but you gotta try that, dude!
  • Kidswatter getting run down by the door that came loose from Mrs. Jewls' class.
    Kidswatter (annoyed): Stupid goozack.

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    Season One 
Pull My Pigtail
  • The montage of Maurecia punching Todd, some of the times take place in bizarre locations like Egypt.
  • The flashbacks at the beginning where Dana celebrates different holidays by accidentally injuring Todd.
  • Dana’s obsession with getting Todd and Maurecia together.
  • The whole subplot of Kidswatter mistaking Myron for his guardian angel.
  • The Portuguese lesson.
  • Mrs. Jewls scolding Todd in Portuguese.
Class Cow
  • Principal Kidswatter tries to make the teachers do a trust exercise, only for him to repeatedly fall on the floor.
    • Heck, all the "faculty retreat" scenes, from Kidswatter talking about the limbo contest on the PA to finally being caught by Mrs. Bellamy.
  • The scene where the kids meet Mrs. Bellamy for the first time.
  • The students taking bites out of their books.
  • Todd asking Mrs. Bellamy to let him leave to use the boys' room and then remembering who he's speaking to.
    Todd: Why am I talking to a cow?
  • The "Flippy File of Feelings" scene.
  • This gem from Dana when Mrs. Bellamy starts leaving:
    Dana (writing): Favorite teacher leaving. Start weeping now. (her pencil breaks and she bursts into tears)
  • Mrs. Jewls calls her students monkeys before correcting herself as she climbs her way to the top of the school.
  • When Mrs Jewls returns after Mrs. Bellamy leaves, she reveals to the class that Mr Kidswatter forgot to hire a substitute for her class.
    • And she asks what Mrs Bellamy looked like.
    Mrs Jewls: Todd, no talking about any teacher like that. I’m writing your name on the discipline list.
Meet the Pets
  • Mrs. Jewls mistaking the pets for the students.
  • Mrs. Jewls mistaking Todd for a monkey twice.
  • The fact that Myron brought his baby brother as his pet.
  • Stephen telling Mrs. Jewls about his pet orange.
  • Maurecia's, Dana's and Myron's guesses on what Todd's pet was: a gorilla, a calculator and a baby brother.
  • Todd accidentally scaring away the animals by crushing Fluffy’s quills with an open window.
  • Todd chasing after the pets.
  • Kidswatter interviewing the monkey.
  • Todd trying to get help from Myron, who mistakes him for a talking fountain.
  • After Todd tells his friends about the pets, Maurecia seems shocked about King Arthur’s ghost.

    Maurecia: Wait a minute, Can you go back to the part with the flying goldfish?
  • Dana's talking about the P.R.C.note  with several acronyms.
  • After Todd pounces on the turtle, it moves really fast.
  • Myron sets a trap for Stephen's orange, only to get bored waiting and try to grab one of the cookies used as bait, trapping his hand and letting the orange get away
  • After the animals are back in the classroom, Maurecia notices Fido tapping on the window outside and brings him back inside.
  • When it's discovered tha Myron put a banana in Red's cage. As Todd finds this out, Stephen faints a couple of times.
    • Soon followed by Myron explaining that he saw Red next to Miss Mush's juicer, prompting a Big "NO!" from Stephen.
  • The scene where Todd comes to get Red, from Miss Mush explaining what she was really using the juicer for to talking about how the fish she bought is useless to her.
  • King Arthur II, the fish Miss Mush gave him, agreeing with Todd about how great having good friends is, making Todd surprised that the fish talked.

Oh, Great Leader

  • Kidswatter wears a clown wig and declares that no one will recognize him. Except for the fact that he's making such a goofy face right next to a picture of him making the same face.
  • Kidswatter's paranoia about the students.
  • Kidswatter running into the door by the trophy case.
  • A cow delivers Kidswatter's birthday card.
  • The running gags of Kidswatter's air quotes and Dana speaking to Todd with a megaphone.
  • Todd's impersonation of Kidswatter.
  • Myron doubts that Kidswatter would forget Todd's name, only for Kidswatter to call Todd by his address in a P.A. announcement. Todd looks at Myron, who then shrugs.
  • Kidswatter's flawed logic about lone wolves sticking together.
  • Myron trying to eat the chocolate Kidswatter bust.
    Dana: Enough with the forehead biting!
  • The birthday party in the gym.
  • Myron, having eaten most of the chocolate bust of Kidswatter, asks if anyone wants an ear. Kidswatter freaks out upon hearing this and he rolls back down the stairs in the wagon he was pulled in.
Honours Class
  • Todd trying to ask Myron about the WAT test.
    Todd: When?
    Myron: No, not when. WAT.
    Todd: I know. I wasn't asking what, I was asking when.
    Myron: When what?
    Todd: When do we learn about the WAT test?
    Myron: What test? Are we having a test?
    Todd: No. We already had a test.
    Myron: What test was that?
    Todd (annoyed): The WAT test!
    Myron: Todd, there is no reason to yell. I'm not stupid. You'll see that as soon as Mrs. Jewls reads the results of the WAT test. Say... when is she doing that anyway?
  • Miss Mush's teaching methods itself.
  • Dana trying to get in the Honors Class only to be stopped by Mrs. Jewls.
    • Followed by Myron acting like a football referee.
  • Maurecia tricking Miss Mush into getting Sammy stuck in her ear.
  • Myron's idea of digging a hole in the classroom floor, and his daydream about digging to the center of the earth and being worshipped by strange creatures.
  • Mrs. Jewls teaching the kids that ancient Greece was formed at the first Olympics by a wolf man and a T Rex.
  • Maurecia deliberately giving wrong answers to Miss Mush's questions and the latter's responses to them.
  • The ending.
    Miss Mush: Ooh, look Sammy! New boy for honour class.
    Todd: No, I’m not supposed to be here. Help!
Cabbage my Boy
  • Shari’s family video.
    • Also, the words in the intro are gibberish.
  • Dana giving the class a long-winded story about her family. And that was just chapter one of her report!
  • Dana realizing that Todd made his "baby brother" out of her report.
  • The newspaper headline at the end: "Myron Loses Election!".
Mascot Madness
  • Fluffy mistaking Myron’s Todd costume for the actual Todd.
He is It
  • Todd avoiding Maurecia until she tags Shari who then tags him.
  • Myron's rule over his classmates as "it". And Dana forcing kids to do what he says.
  • Myron and Todd's contest to see who can be higher.
Best Friendzzz
  • Mr Kidswatter buys a hat to help him doesn't quite go as planned...
  • Dana and Myron arguing throughout the episode.
  • The montage of Dana and a reluctant Todd one-upping Myron and Shari.
  • Todd using the brain listening glass to listen to Shari’s mind only to hear loud noises. He then quickly tiptoes away.
Kindergarten King
  • Even though it’s slight Nightmare Fuel, the Kindergarteners worshipping Todd.
  • The whole scene about the kindergartners approaching the school.
  • Kidswatter freaking out about the kindergartners and rushing to find Colonel Montgomery.
    • Before that, there's this gem from Kidswatter in the hallway:
    • The conversation between Kidswatter (who's in a trash can) and Louis in the lobby implies that the former's been to see Colonel Montgomery before. It's even funnier once you know who Colonel Montgomery is.
    Louis (sees the trash can and salutes Kidswatter): Hey, Mr. K. Off to see Colonel Montgomery?
    Kidswatter (opens the lid a crack): Affirmative. At ease, Louis. (closes the lid after Louis puts his hand down, then Kidswatter hops through the door)
  • Mrs. Jewls thinking her chalk doesn't work when the kindergartners keep erasing Todd's name.
  • The goldfish squirting water into Myron's mouth.
  • The kindergartners forming an escalator to take Todd away from his friends.
  • Dana's first plan to rescue Todd involves herself, Maurecia and Myron searching different quadrants of the school, only for Maurecia to point out the castle made of kindergartners.
    • Then when Maurecia tries to save Todd by skating down a ramp toward the castle, some of the kindergartners form a giant hand and flick her into Mrs. Jewls' class, where Maurecia dazedly guesses the correct answer to a complex math problem.
  • The patty-cake scene, though it's Nightmare Fuel for Todd.
  • The disguise Dana chooses to wear? A pair of glasses worn on top of the pair she's already wearing.
  • Myron getting upset over not being the kindergarteners' king.
  • The ending, where it's revealed that Colonel Montgomery is Mr. Kidswatter's teddy bear. Oh, and when he sees the kindergartners looking through the window.
Myron Vs NormyAge of Aquarium
  • Maurecia's attempts to get Todd to hold her hand:
    Maurecia: Then can you hand me that paddle?
    Todd: That's not a paddle, that's your hand!
    Maurecia: Oh is it? Silly me. Um, Todd, can you do me a favor and hand me that rope instead?
    Todd: That's not a rope, that's your hand.
    Maurecia: Oh is it? Silly me. Um Todd, can you do me a favor and hand me my hand?
    Todd: That's not your hand, it's your hand. (realizes what he just said and his head turns into a donkey shape.)
    Maurecia: (sings) Poof! Made you goof, white dove, must be love, stamp it, lock it, no erasies!
  • The fact that Todd needs a permission slip to rescue Mrs. Jewls and his clasmates (minus Maurecia) from the glow guppies.
  • The flasback of Mrs. Jewls' job interview, especially how Kidswatter keeps getting her last name wrong.
  • Kidswatter getting attacked by glow guppies.
  • Mrs. Jewls' class panicking when they mistake a seaweed-covered Kidswatter for a sea monster.
Channel Kidswatter
  • When Mrs. Jewls announces that the class will be on TV, she doesn't know she's not on camera until Louis tells her. Then she soon falls onto the floor when she steps off the portable TV set she was standing on.
  • Myron getting hit with the camera when he demands a close-up.
  • Dana freezing when she tries to discuss the Wayside rules on the channel.
  • Maurecia and Jenny’s part involves doing stunts only for them to crash into each other.
  • Four words: The Stephen Spooky Channel.
  • Kidswatter's shopping channel.
    • In addition, there's Myron's commentary on the toy clown, and then there's when Todd notices that Mrs. Jewls, Louis and most of the other students are watching the shopping channel.
The Elevator
  • Louis walking backwards up the stairs and the background music playing backwards.
  • Kidswatter thinks the elevator is the bathroom until Todd corrects him.
  • Todd and Mr. Kidswatter are stuck in the elevator and call Louis for help. Louis can't hear what Todd is trying to say over Kidswatter's screaming for help, so he puts them on speaker, only for it to go on the PA and Kidswatter complains about how bad he has to pee in front of the whole school. The kindergartners giggled when they heard it.
    Kidswatter (over the PA): I can't hold it much longer! I have to go so bad! LOUIS, HELP ME BEFORE I WET MYSELF!!!
    Louis (visibly weirded out): O...K? (turns off the speakerphone setting)
    • Before that, there's Louis mistaking a basketball and then a tennis racket for the phone as he looks for it in the sporting goods cart.
  • Myron popping out of the cart after the phone call ends.
  • Dana and Myron having a Transformation Sequence for dressing like Louis.
    • And they all call each other Louis when they are the Rescue Dudes.
  • Todd and Kidswatter fighting over what music to play in the elevator.
  • The dramatic scene of Myron falling off of a beam. It must be seen to be believed.
  • Kidswatter using Todd's sleeve as a hankie.
  • The scene where Louis is about to jump through the giant fan while it's on, and then Dana turns it off.
  • When Todd tells Kidswatter that the door was open, the latter tries to run through it, only for the door to close again.
    Kidswatter (dazed): Stupid goozack... (falls on his face)
  • The montage of Kidswatter hitting his head.
  • When Todd points out to Kidswatter whacking his head won't do any good, the latter says it helps him forget that he has to pee, and then the urge comes back.
  • Kidswatter ice skating out of the elevator.
  • This exchange:
    Louis (looking through the hole Kidswatter made in the elevator floor): You ok, Mr. K?
    Kidswatter (off screen): I'm more than ok, Louis! I'm Mr. Kidswatter, the principal of Wayside School! (toilet flushes)
  • The ending, where it's revealed that Todd and Maurecia are also Rescue Dudes.
Mad Hot
  • Todd pantomiming his oral report, because Mrs. Jewls wouldn't let him talk.
    • When Kidswatter sees this, he enters the classroom with this gem:
    Kidswatter: Give that boy an F! (students gasp) For fantastic!
  • When Kidswatter introduces Kisseau to his team, Myron is sleeping, Dana is reading a book and Maurecia stares lovingly at Todd who just sits there.
    Todd: Howdy.
  • Myron repeating “Vote for me” during his and Dana’s dance.
  • After Todd and Maurecia do their dance routine, one of the cows holds her 10 sign upside down. She flips it when the over cows glare at her.
  • Louis' head spinning when he excitedly announces that the Wayside Wallflowers won the Dance-Off.
Mamaland Blues
  • Dana and Miss Mush dancing to get rid of the “bad luck” in Maurecia.
  • The Mamaland anthem just consists of belching.
Principles of Principals
  • Mrs. Jewls' sound effect imitations during the spelling test.
  • The shocked reactions of some Todd's classmates when they find out he entered the "Principal for a Day" contest.
    Jenny: Oh, no! Don't do it!
    Rondi: Don't do it! Yikes!
    Eric Bacon: It's...
    Eric Ovens: a...
    Eric Fry: trap!
  • Myron accidentally tilting Todd's desk and chair, tipping him onto the floor.
  • Mr. Kidswatter mispronounces Todd's name as "Toad", which gets the attention of a frog being dissected. After Louis corrects Kidswatter, he then refers to the new student as "Todd the Toad".
  • Louis discovering how much Todd accomplished on Kidswatter's to-do list.
  • The cows' dance routine that they learned from Todd.
  • When Kidswatter mentions changing the Principal for a day contest to Principal for a year, Todd zooms away and leaves.
Teacher’s Parent Conference
  • Todd’s victory dance.
  • Mrs. Jewls being launched from a cannonball.
  • Mrs. Jewls deciding to let Todd on the kindergarten bus everyday.
    • Also, Kidswatter having to ride the same bus in that scene.
Rat in Shining Armour
  • Myron's pirate costume uses two eyepatches. It goes about as well as you think.
  • This gem from Miss Mush:
    Miss Mush: Look, Sammy! We chaperones! That means we watch funny-looking kids.
  • For the spring dance, Kidswatter goes as a chicken and insists it's an eagle costume...and keeps laying eggs somehow.
  • The discussion about the difference between the spring dance and Halloween.
    • And Stephen removing his elf costume to reveal a normal outfit.
  • Todd activating his airbag to deflect Maurecia's punch.
  • Todd's car dashboard costume's features going off at once by accident.
  • Miss Mush asking Sammy to dance, and then remembering that he's dead.
  • The flashback of Mrs. Mush dancing when she was younger.
  • When Maurecia dances with the "mystery guy", Myron dances as well. When Todd suspects something isn't right, Myron thinks that Todd's talking about his dancing.
  • Miss Mush showing Kidswatter her judo-esque dance moves.
Mrs Gorf
  • The teacher in the camping trip.
  • The scene where Louis mistakes the students for ordinary apples/potato and he thinks the kids like Mrs. Gorf.
  • Dana revealing her rainbow teeth from Miss Mush's crayon casserole.
Todd Falls in Love
  • Todd reacting to the "Todd Loves Maurecia" artwork throughout the school.
  • On the PA, Kidswatter reads a card that says "Todd + Maurecia" and a heart on it. He soon realizes that's not the announcement he wants to make, and while searching through his papers he wonders where his message about secretly firing half the faculty is. The staff in the teachers' lounge hear this and the gym teacher spits his juice out on the teachers near him.
  • Mrs. Jewls hides in the file cabinet in her classroom when she hears that Kidswatter wants to fire half of the teachers. She hid in "T" for teachers.
  • Mrs. Jewls thinking that you administer CPR by punching people.
  • All the scenes of Todd being in love with Mrs. Jewls.
  • The reason Kidswatter fired half of the faculty? To have a canal dug in the 14th floor so he could ride a gondola through it.
  • Maurecia failing to stop Todd from eating the Mushroom Surprise.
  • The science teacher falling in love with a cactus.
  • After Todd barfs in the canal, Kidswatter asks Louis to drain it, rehire the teachers that got fired, and make them build Kidswatter a miniature golf course. Oh, and to make the science teacher stop kissing the cactus.
  • Just when Todd was relieved about Maurecia's artwork being gone, he notices a big shadow looming over him, and sees a pink blimp with "T ❤️ M" on it.
French Fried
  • When the students go to lunch, Miss Mush announces her Mushroom Surprise. The students naturally scream and run back to the classroom.
  • When Mrs. Jewls quickly runs downstairs, there's this exchange:
    Maurecia: Hmm, something's fishy around here.
    Myron: Yeah, fishy with chips. (Eric Bacon, Eric Fry, Maurecia and Dana stare at him) What? I'm hungry.
  • When Miss Mush slams the door, Kidswatter chuckles and asks "Who was that?", then, seeing the teacher next to him, asks "Wait, who are you?"
  • Le Chef getting sent home on the kindergarten bus.
  • Kidswatter trying to get Sammy to answer the phone.
Music Lessons
  • Louis dumping the musical instruments onto the classroom floor from a wheelbarrow.
  • Todd's tuba blast sends him crashing into the wall.
  • Dana, Stephen and Myron's instrument choices: an abacus, a therimin, and a locked box.
  • Todd and Maurecia as British people. Actually, make that all the effects of Myron's Strumplefloozle playing on his classmates.
  • Myron's locked box song.
    • And after he finishes singing, he notices that the box is broken, and asks who broke it, even though he was standing on it.
  • Myron's first few attempts at playing the Strumplefloozle. And he thinks that the ear earmuffs are so he can hear his performance better.
  • Shari startling herself awake when her head hits the cymbals.
  • Both scenes where Kidswatter is rushing to the top floor, from getting winded when he reaches the 3rd floor to his encounter with a cow on the 12th floor.
    Kidswatter: Action go!
  • Kidswatter's conversation with Myron.
  • Miss Mush stirring soup and blowing bubbles in the pot with the Strumplefloozle.
Todd and Bull Story
  • The students mistaking Todd for the Wishing Well.
  • The flashback of Myron losing the props for the school play.
  • Myron failing to understand that the "wishing well" is really the props he lost.
Louis gets Some Class
  • The scene where Louis becomes one of Mrs. Jewls' students, including the part where she jokes about threatening to write his name on the discipline list.
    Todd: What?! You didn't graduate?
    Louis: Nope. And now I'm stuck here with you guys. (smiles and gives 2 thumbs up) Isn't that awesome?!
  • Kidswatter getting tangled up in the microphone cable and later getting his head stuck in one of the desk drawers.
    Louis (when Kidswatter begs him to pass the final exam): Did you get your head stuck in the desk drawer again?
    Kidswatter: (nods) And the mic cable, too.
  • Myron's self-idolizing recess activities.
  • Todd throws an imaginary bowling ball Myron's way when he, Dana and Maurecia use imaginary sporting equipment.
    Myron: Hey, watch it! That imaginary bowling ball could've smushed me!
  • After hearing that Louis is the most popular person at Wayside, Myron's reaction is exactly the same as when he lost the dodgeball game in the pilot.
  • Louis meeting Mr. Osteo for the first time in years.
    Louis: Whooooa! Long time! What subject was it you taught again? Math? Reading? History?
    Mr. Osteo: A little subject I call... (jumps out of his wheelchair) survival!
    Louis: Bum-mer...
  • Kidswatter discovering that he's the one who didn't graduate.
    • And his attempt at the final exam.
    Mr. Osteo: What is the square root of 64?
    Kidswatter: Pickles?
    Mr. Osteo: When was America discovered?
    Kidswatter: 1972!
    Mr. Osteo: What is the Pythagorean Theorem?
    Kidswatter: LMNOP!
My Fluffy Hair

    Season Two 
Dana Checks Out
  • The class in chaos without Dana.
  • Myron gives Stephen a goldfish to replace his pencil. And the fish writes his work for him.
My Biggest Fan
  • Myron's explanation on why Kidswatter's his hero. Plus Myron pretending to fly on Mrs. Jewls' desk.
  • Myron’s bootleg recording of Kidswatter’s announcements remixed into dubstep.
  • Maurecia, Dana and Todd telling Myron about their heroes, a child skater named Annie Wheeler, Melville Dewey, who invented the Dewey Decimal System, and a superhero named Lieutenant Logic, respectively.
  • Myron disappearing with a magic zipper.
  • Mrs Jewls beatboxing.
    • Heck, all the tryouts for Myron's new hero. In addition to the example above, highlights include when Miss Mush offered Myron a hero sandwich, Myron thinking that Louis came to audition (he only came on stage to change a lightbulb) and a cow's tryout. Myron decided the cow should be a callback.
  • When Miss Mush tells Myron that the hero sandwich he started to eat is made with wet sand and a little mayonnaise, the part that disgusted him was the mayonnaise.
My Partners Gets all The Credit
  • The voting system for choosing teams. And Maurecia's chagrin at being paired up with Myron.
    • In the same scene, when Kidswatter pairs up Eric Bacon with Eric Ovens, and they approach him, he says, "No, I said Eric and Eric!" and they switch places, satisfying him.
  • When Todd keeps being surprised by Eric Fry's athletic prowess.
  • Louis and Mrs Jewls as announcers.
  • Everything that happens to Myron and Maurecia in some of the events.
  • The "It's in the bag!" gag.
Daring Love
  • The montage of Jenny and Maurecia jumping over Todd.
Kidswatter the MovieSafety Monitor
  • Kidswatter teaching himself to be a lion tamer.
  • Maurecia going overboard as safety monitor.
  • Stephen juggling and spinning Mr. Pumpkin.
  • When Stephen and Mr. Pumpkin get their mugshots, the latter instantly stops smiling when Maurecia tells him to.
Be True to your Elf
  • Kidswatter mistaking Stephen for a leprechaun.
  • All of Kidswatter's encounters with leprechauns and the school district supervisor.
Sideways Protest
  • The montage of Kidswatter running into the front door.
  • Myron using his megaphone backwards.
  • Mrs Jewls and the students boycotting class inside the classroom.
  • Kidswatter disguising himself as a child and getting Todd's classmates to support the school move.
  • It turns out the school was only moved 2 feet.
  • Kidswatter entering the school with 2 ice cream cones and crashing into his office door.
  • Todd's classmates running into the door at the end and becoming a big pile.
Extra Curricular Riddicular
  • Several kids' animal imitations at the beginning.
  • Dana and Stephen's club ideas: a balloon animal training club and a Halloween club.
  • Maurecia's extreme speed version of Romeo and Juliet:
    Maurecia: Romeo, Romeo! Juliet, Juliet! We're in love! Now we're dead!
  • When Todd asks if his fellow club members know anything about rockets, Dana says that she can make balloon animals, and makes a rabbit out of part of the wires for Todd's rocket.
  • Kidswatter's experience with space travel is him riding a rocket ride in a store like a little kid.
  • Myron interrupting the countdown for Todd's rocket launch by saying random numbers through a megaphone.
  • Kidswatter thinks he landed on a new planet and claims it for Wayside, only to see the school flag near him.
Wayside Christmas
  • Kidswatter's attempts to use a cow as a reindeer.
  • Dana's present? A calculator nesting doll.
  • Leslie's gingerbread house is put to shame by Bebe's gingerbread Eiffel Tower.
  • Maurecia giving Todd a literal punch in the face for Christmas.
  • Myron mistaking Dana, Todd and Maurecia for the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future, respectively.
The Rat Truth
  • Stephen realizing he shouldn't be an elf and instead becomes a super elf who somehow can fly.
  • Maurecia becomes a ballerina.
    • And later Todd is forced to be one too.
  • Everyone speaks their mind when they have Sammy. Kidswatter announces over the intercom that he thinks the students are all snot-nosed kids when he gets Sammy.
Free Stewy
  • Whats Myron's motivation for trying to find Stewy? He wants to use him to take over the world.
  • The entire scene in the room with a very low roof.
Oh, Brother
  • Mrs Jewls scaring off Goon.
Snow Day
  • Kidswatter failing his triple lutz on the skating rink.
  • One of the pipes comes loose and wraps itself around Louis.
  • Todd throwing a snowball over his fort only for it to plop lightly on Maurecia who doesn’t even react.
  • Kidswatter trying to teach Mrs. Jewls how to ice skate, only to discover she's better at it than he is.
  • Myron's snowball fight team consists of himself and his snowfriends.
  • After Kidswatter does a successful triple lutz, the ice melts, thanks to Myron raising the thermostat, and he falls in the water. Mrs. Jewls uses the opportunity to take her swimming lesson.
Myth of Nick
  • The first few Nick flashbacks.
  • The fact that Myron likes ear milk.
  • The scene with the Minutebooks.
  • The students trying to describe Nick for Bebe's sketch makes him a composite of them.
  • The accident with Todd's ear milk illusion.
  • Milk squirting out of Louis' ear when he laughs at the end.
Dr Dana
  • Myron filing in for Dana after she loses her voice.
  • Stephen thinking that Halloween and Groundhog Day have been combined.
  • Kidswatter cooking stamps.
  • Myron tells Kidswatter to propose to Miss Mush, but figuring out what to say to her doesn't work out, so when she opens the cafeteria door, he throws the flowers down and says he doesn't want to marry her. She throws the flowers back and happily says she doesn't want to marry him either.
Slow Mo Mo
  • Maurecia racing to be first for everything, even cutting in the line for the boys' bathroom after she used the girls' room, just so she'd still be first.
  • Kidswatter's misfortune with round stuff, but especially his wild ride on his newly wheeled podium.
    • And after Kidswatter crashes into Maurecia, Louis opens the door and accidentally hits him in the face.
  • Kidswatter making his mouth square when he says "round".
  • The whole aftermath of Mr. Kidswatter's round stuff ban.
    • Especially the scene where Kidswatter crashes his car into the school, and when he later discovers the drawbacks of square stuff.
  • Maurecia climbing the stairs with her legs and arms in attempt to race Todd to the top.
  • Maurecia smelling manure when a cow exits the girls' bathroom.
  • When Kidswatter makes the square stuff round again, Eric Fry's body forms a circle, until Kidswatter says it doesn't apply to him.
  • Kidswatter making the square Iris Out round again at the end.
Joe n Fro
  • Joe denying anything fell out of his hair.
    Todd: Joe, your hair just threw something at me.
    Todd: Yes it did.
    Todd: Yes it did.
    Joe: No it didn’t.
    Todd: Yes it did.
    Joe: No it didn’t.
  • All the scenes about Kidswatter planning to get a gazebo, but he has the wrong idea on what it is.
    • And his disappointment when he finds out what a gazebo really is.
  • When it's revealed that Mr. Invisible is real.
  • Kidswatter being forced to restore the schoolyard himself when the students and wildlife refuse.
Upside Down John
  • Kidswatter getting a bunch of stuff to prepare for his IQ test... and then being unable to answer the first question.
  • John’s science project is an upside down volcano with the lava anticlimactically dripping on the floor.
  • The scenes of the "failures" of John's ancestors.
  • The Running Gag of Myron stealing John's money.
  • Kidswatter thinking that John's upside down volcano is a ketchup dispenser.
  • John's tears going back into his eyes when he cries about how he thinks he's a failure.
    John: I can't even cry right!
  • The montage of Kidswatter answering the first question on his IQ test.
  • Kidswatter thinks he got 99% on his IQ test... because Louis was holding the results upside down when he read them. When Kidswatter leaves the office, Louis notices that the computer's upside down and realizes he was holding the results the same way. After turning the paper right-side up, Louis discovers that the results really say 66%.
    Louis: 66%. Now that's about right.
The Final Stretch
  • Just the fact that Mr. Pumpkin is crying when he and a tearful Stephen leave Kidswatter's office.
  • Todd hulking out in Maurecia’s flashback.
Kidswatter’s Opus
  • Kidswatter freaking out about Mrs. Jewls not being at school, and then when he discovers he has to fill in for her.
  • The flashback of a frightened Kidswatter hanging from the light fixture in the kindergarten class while the kids stare at him.
  • When Kidswatter states that he should sub for Mrs. Jewls when no other substitutes or cows are available, a cow that walks into the classroom hears this and immediately leaves the classroom.
  • Kidswatter being chased by the students who think it’s gym class.
    • Also, when he screams, they think he's teaching them a foreign language.
  • Kidswatter thinking he successfully avoided the kids when he enters his office, only to throw a crying fit when he finds they beat him there.
    • Which is soon followed by the kids trying to imitate him.
      • Subsequently followed by Kidswatter correcting Dana on how to do it and Myron crying just like a baby.
  • Kidswatter showing the kids what he does all day.
The Three Erics
  • Maurecia’s terrible violin playing.
Le Race
  • Myron trying to explain to Kidswatter who Le Chef is.
  • Kidswatter questioning why the duck brings letters instead of donuts.
  • Louis stopping Le Chef from climbing on the outside of Wayside is this mixed with awesome.
Imperfect Attendance
  • When Myron says that Dana still has a few minutes to make it to class, she thinks he's encouraging her to hurry to class. After she leaves, he tries to tell her that he still needs help getting his arm out of his tuba.
  • Kidswatter dancing in a cowboy hat and boots.
  • The whole scene with the "floaties".note 
    • And the scene right after it when Kidswatter unsuccessfully calls for Louis, not knowing that the latter's passing the office window on a floating ball.
  • Kidswatter trying to find the button that rings the bell and activating several other things by mistake, including a mushroom dispenser.
    • Plus when he activates the disco ball and his attempt to bring it back when it leaves.
  • Maurecia skating after a scared group of kindergartners so she can jump over them.
  • Early in the episode, Stephen asks Mr. Pumpkin is a Libra or Scorpio before Dana accidentally gets the school paper in a tree when she runs past them. Near the end of the episode, when she returns the paper to Stephen, Mr. Pumpkin "says" that he's a Capricorn.
  • After Myron's arm is freed from his tuba, a kindergartner falls out of it before rushing to class.
  • Kidswatter dancing to disco music off screen over the PA.
Miss Fortune
  • Maurecia trying to milk a cow.
  • Kidswatter trying to find out his career path by eating Mushroom Surprise.
The Note
  • When it's revealed that Kidswatter gave himself the Principal of the Year award.
  • Kidswatter getting trampled by kids when he rings the bell.
  • Mrs. Jewls talks like Dana when she reads the rule about no talking during the quiz. She even gets Dana's front teeth.
  • All the changes the students make to the note.
  • When Louis suggests that Mr. Kidswatter be nice to the kids in order for them to like him, the principal thinks he should bribe the students.
  • Mr. Kidswatter planning to make Wayside World, plus his Imagine Spot of himself filling the school with cotton candy.
  • The floor polisher chasing Louis. That is all.
  • Mrs. Jewls grading the note, which Todd said was his test.
  • Wayside World is revealed to be a miniature model.
    Kidswatter: Maybe I should've made it bigger.
  • The scene where Mr. Kidswatter reads the note.
  • The cotton candy truck pulling up outside in the background, followed by Mr. Kidswatter calling Louis to have him take it back.
  • Kidswatter puts the note on his eyes so he can always see it. As he skips around in his delight about the students loving him, he runs into the wall.
  • Todd's classmates making suggestions for a new note.
