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Funny / Watership Down (1999)

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  • In the first episode, Hawkbit mocking Fiver's visions:
    Hawkbit: Oh, my nose tickles! It's a sign from Frith! The end of the world's coming! Run away!
  • Bigwig trying to train Dandelion, Hawkbit and Pipkin in the fourth episode. Special mention goes to the scene where Dandelion and Hawkbit are attempting to go through the log.
    Dandelion: After you, Hawkbit!
    Hawkbit: No, after you, Dandelion!
    Dandelion: No, no, no, no, I insist!
    Hawkbit: No, no, I insist!
    • Then when Pipkin finally catches up, he ends up going through the log through the opposite end, causing him to collide with Dandelion and Hawkbit.
  • Kehaar in the TV series gets a couple, such as when Pipkin is told not to go into the apple orchard because there's a 'snarling great badger living there.'
    Kehaar: Cheer up your face, Pipkin! Who vants to eat rotten old apples, anyvay? Pah!
    Kehaar: Okaaaay. [rolls eyes and flies off] Wabbits.
