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Funny / Urusei Yatsura

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Being one of the classics of comedy manga, Urusei Yatsura has many funny moments.

  • The sheer randomness of the background extras in the first anime. It starts with the Dappyamen (the fish people in spacesuits, a Shout-Out to Takahashi's first published work), and goes on to include absolutely everything the staff can think of. The best part is that the characters are so used to them they hardly bat a lid... Except sometimes even they are surprised.
  • The finale which culminates in a slapstick chase where all the remaining cast chase Lum and Ataru, since they remain dissatisfied that Ataru didn't say he loves Lum despite the threat to the Earth and heavy property damage.
  • The Cameo of Kenshiro in the first anime. First he tells Ataru to shut up with his speech about solidarity with the students who didn't do their homework and were keeping the students in class after school, only to be reminded he didn't do his homework too. Then Kotatsu-Neko enters in the class, and Kenshiro promptly picks a fight with him... and takes all of five seconds before being utterly defeated and sent flying into the wall.
    • Doubly hilarious because it's a voice actor joke – Akira Kamiya plays both Shutaro and Kenshiro.
    • And why is Kenshiro even there? Because a (very) minor character is named Hokuto, so the anime staff decided to leave the name but replace the character with Kenshiro.
    • The context of the cameo provides a few gags: Kitsune-ko's Sadistic Teacher, a cat, had his students draw what they like, with Kitsune drawing Shinobu, and then told them to bring what they like at the village festival or else he'd destroy it. Hilarity Ensues:
      • With Kotatsu's help, Kitsune-ko tracks Shinobu to her class (why the fight happened) and shows up transformed into a tiny principal to tell her she's in grave danger. Onsen of course objects-and the Stormtroopers tie him up for "disrespecting the principal".
      • As the students praise Kitsune for his dedication, Onsen unties himself, sees the "principal" praising the little fox for his dedication to saving Shinobu and attacks him for disrupting the lesson... Except it was the real principal who had arrived in the meantime.
      • As the students decide to go with Shinobu and provide support Onsen tries to stop them, and declares they'll have to go over his body. They do just that. Then, as Onsen chases them to the courtyard and gives them a passionate speech, they turn back... And walk over him again.
      • Ataru going to the party with Onsen attached to his leg.
      • When Shinobu, Kitsune and the students finally arrive at the festival Shinobu goes to Kitsune's teacher to give him a piece of his mind... But, being a cat, he has already forgotten everything.
  • Chapter 39, "The Curse of the Copy Man". An accident with an object-copying machine results in a "Freaky Friday" Flip of sorts between Ataru and Mendo's physics notebook. Notebook/Ataru looks like Ataru, but has the page contents written all over itself, is incapable of doing anything other than repeating verbatim the words and actions of anyone who talks to it (because "all a copy-person can do is copy what he hears"), and peels apart into "pages". Ataru/notebook (Ataru's consciousness trapped in the notebook) loans these "pages" to the other students, prompting Mendo to remark: "I never thought you would stoop to selling your body!"
  • The climax of the second movie when Ataru calls out for every girl in the series who had appeared up to that point, including unnamed one-shot characters and his own mother, before finally calling Lum's name and waking up from his dream.
  • Lum uses a device to make a copy of Ataru in order to thwart one of Ran-chan's plans. The copy can be easily distinguished from the original Ataru thanks to the prime symbol floating next to his head. Long story short, countless copies of Ataru, each one with his own prime symbol floating next to his head, end up running amok all over town.
    • Reversed in another episode when Ran-chan stuffs Lum into a xerox machine to make exact copies of her. Long story short, Ataru ends up with hundreds of Lums all pining for him by the end.
  • Oyuki is tasked with playing the goddess Amaterasu for a class play but gets sick at the last minute. So of course the real goddess Amaterasu shows up and ends up getting dragged into it.
  • The episode where Benten decides to see why Ran is utterly terrified of the calm and collected Oyuki getting angry. When Oyuki finally does get angry (at a hamster that had been harassing Ran), she quietly scolds him… while freezing Ran's home and nearly impaling everyone with ice-spikes to prevent said hamster from escaping. It ends with Oyuki still chiding the terrified hamster while Ran and Benten are trembling in fear.
  • The way people react whenever Cherry shows up, usually with horror because of the trouble he always brings with him... as well as the page-filling closeups of his face.
  • This exchange.
    Lum: What will happen to these cows?
    Farmer #1: They'll become stars in the sky.
    Farmer #2: Then we'll eat 'em.
  • When Lum's spaceship crashes on the Mendou estate and Lum loses her memory, Ataru and the Stormtroopers infiltrate the estate to get her back. During their trek through the estate's woods they encounter various traps, then the bizarre fossil monster created by Lum in an earlier episode runs across the shot… Followed by Soban chasing Shinobu. In the Mendou estate. At night. While wearing school uniforms. Even Ataru finds that one strange.
  • Dracula's attacks. In the one against Lum he's just pathetic, but when he takes on Ran... She bites his neck to defend herself, and then tricks him into donating blood.
  • One day Ataru was finally having everything go his way and had won the admiration of all the school's students including Mendou... And then it turns out Ataru invoked the devil by accident (Ataru's rather strange jogging route looked like a symbol necessary to invoke his help), and now he shows to claim his soul by pulling it out of his throat with his hand. Needless to say, everyone but Lum goes away disgusted while the Devil and Ataru are busy trying to take each other's soul...
  • Once upon a time, Ataru took up jogging with an odd path to enjoy seeing as many beautiful girls as possible... And as it was nearly identical to the (rather complicated) symbol of a certain devil, said devil decided he was selling him his soul in exchange for fame and success.
  • Every time the Spice Girls try to defeat Lum, Oyuki, and Benten only to fail miserably.
    • Their most hilarious failure: They try to seduce Ataru but he completely ignores them at best or is annoyed by them at worst. For example, they once thought Ataru had a fetish for addresses and phone numbers, so they went to him with their own information written on signs hanging from their necks… Ataru mistook them for much younger girls that got lost, so he brought them to the police.
    • In their last appearance they decide to use animals to take on Lum, Oyuki, and Benten. They start with Oyuki, presenting her with a cold-resistant penguin... Only to be stared at by the very puzzled Oyuki, as they forgot to say they were there to fight. They end up just gifting her the penguin while Oyuki is still trying to understand why they were there to begin with.
  • From the rather strange Episode 151:
    • Shinobu is at home and goes to her room to sleep, only to find a giant reptile before her. Her panicked reaction has to be seen... And contrasted to her grabbing the monster from the tail and throwing it over the horizon.
    • The weirded out faces Sakurambo and Kotatsu Neko make when another Kotatsu appears.
    • The two Atarus.
      • Sakura's completely unfazed reaction when the Atarus try and glomp her.
    • Shinobu versus the tank.
    • When the situation gets as weird as it was in "Beautiful Dreamer" Mendo blames everything on Ataru having drunk Lum's eye drops believing it was a soda and jumping through the blackboard to teleport home the previous day.
      • Worse, he's right.
    • When the classroom door disappear before Lum and the Stormtroopers can follow the Atarus, Mendo and Shinobu into exploring the school, the Stormtrooper grab Onsen, who was trying to deny the absurd situation was true, and use him as a battering ram as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
    • The Atarus, Shinobu, Sakura and Mendo multiplying a hundredfold-and the Mendos immediately starting fighting.
    • In the end Mendo realizes the key to stop the mess is having Ataru do something else that defies reality. Ataru tries... And then starts the Kaiju battle, a giant superhero appears and starts laughing, and the episode gets at the weirdest point of the whole series.
    • The episode started with Megane complaining that everything had gotten boring, and making some philosophical thoughts. The episode ends with him doing the same... While passing next to Godzilla and the scene showing that everything from earlier in the episode is still there.
  • In episode 158, Mendo threw a large party... For the birthday of Josephine, one of his female octopi that is now of marriage age, with Mendo's speech extolling her virtues as if he's trying to marry her off to one of the presents. Even Megane admits it's absurd (not that it stops him from gorging on the buffet).
  • Mendo's arrival, coinciding with the Class Representative election. All of it.
    • Mendo arrives at school for his first day... By parachuting from his family's private giant helicopter. And he gets hit by a desk thrown by Shinobu.
      • The surreal dialogue between Onsen and Mendo, the former claiming you can't just parachute at school and Mendo pointing out that the rulebook doesn't mention it. Sure enough, he'll do it again a few times.
    • Mendo is initial indignant at having been hit by a desk... Then Shinobu apologizes, and he immediately wooes her like a classier Ataru.
      • Mendo flirting with the female classmates in general, such as telling one he wish he could be lint so he could be stuck on her forever.
    • Onsen Mark announces the class rep election, and Mendo candidates himself... With his promises being that tardy students will be tortured, students that lie to get out of school early will be subjected to a lie detector test and will have their tongue removed if they lie, and his private police will break into the home of students that claim to be ill and kill them on the spot if they're just playing hooky, using Ataru in his Imagine Spot to the real Ataru's indignation. But girls won't be subjected to this... So all the girls vote for him.
    • The boys nominate Ataru to counter Mendo... Because he's the only guy stupid enough.
    • Mendo's incredibly extra breakdown when he ties with Ataru.
    • To solve the tie, Mendo suggests to duel in the traditional way of his family - that is, shooting an apple on the head of the opponent... Using a cannon. Ataru immediately demands to know how did his family not die off already if they do such stupid things.
    • For the duel to have place, Mendo needs to challenge Ataru by throwing a glove at him. Cue Ataru running away, using the Kage Bunshin and the substitution technique to dodge.
    • Eventually, Mendo corners Ataru and throws the glove... Hitting a passing Lum. To whom Ataru immediately explains it was a dueling challenge. Cue thunderbolt, and Ataru claiming he defeated Mendo as soon as the other students catch up.
    • Mendo's reaction to his "defeat" at Ataru's hands: seppuku. Onsen Mark has to appoint him deputy to make him call it off...
    • And following chapters show that Ataru completely neglects his duties, so Mendo has to do the job himself anyway. At least he acts like a normal class representative...
  • In one chapter, Ataru announces to the class that he's resigning... Forgetting to say what he's resigning from:
    • After the announcement, Mendo offers to take over. Ataru tells him OK and even says he was expecting it... And he promptly tells Lum he's her new boyfriend. Cue lightning.
    • After that, they work out he was resigning from being the main character. Sakurambo promptly declares himself the new protagonist, Sakura swats him away and declares herself the new main character, and when Ataru explains he wasn't quitting that either she goes out of the door to explain the misunderstanding... To every other character that wasn't already in the classroom.
    • In the anime version, Ataru tells Megane his intentions the previous day and names him his successor... But he still doesn't say what he's quitting. Thus Megane and Mendo's fanclub, who overheard the exchange, conclude he's quitting from being Lum's boyfriend. Cue the literal army of Mendo's fangirls trying to stop him from going to school the next day because they expect Mendo will easily get with Lum and they don't think they can compete, and Megane showing up in a Powered Armor he built himself to help Ataru. We see Megane charge at the girls... And then we get to his battered form in the class.
      • Apparently Megane rebuilt the armor, as he wore it again when he, Ataru and the Stormtroopers infiltrated the Mendo estate to save an amnesiac Lum.
    • But what is Ataru quitting? His Class Representative position. That he's been so ineffective at that nobody even remembers he's the class rep. Not even Mendo, who was his opponent in the election and has effectively taken over since then. Worse, it was actually a ploy to get some attention and have his classmates try and dissuade him.
      • In the anime version, Megane's horror at the reveal, as he got horribly beaten up by a horde of angry girls under the impression he was going to become Lum's boyfriend when instead it was this.
  • During a mountain trip, Ataru, Lum, Ten, Mendo and Shinobu find some fossils, that Lum, under Ataru's direction, mounts back in the state they were when alive... Except the fossils are completely unrelated and Ataru is trolling everyone, resulting in this thing. And then, Lum brings it to life.
  • A lot of what Sakurambo does:
  • In one occasion Mendo was desperately trying to hide a child-looking alien that was following him everywhere so he wouldn't be accused to have gotten someone pregnant, and in a desperate move gets him under his jacket and leaves holding it. Everyone wonders what's happening, then Kosuke shouts "He's pregnant!" to the horror of the female classmates... Then they realize it's impossible. Though someone is convinced that it could have been possible if it had been Ataru...
    • Eventually the girls see him, conclude Mendo got an alien woman pregnant, and faint, thus they miss The Reveal the alien is an adult who was following around because his spaceship runs on silver pieces the size of a coin and he needed the equivalent of one million yen. What follows next changes between manga and anime:
      • In the manga the boys tell him they'll explain everything to the girls. In the final panel, the girls are whispering about Mendo getting an alien woman pregnant and paying her one million to keep her quiet, making Mendo shout at the boys and demand to know what exactly they told the girls.
      • In the anime Mendo is wiser and doesn't trust his male classmates, prepares to explain the situation as the girls wake up... Then dozens of the child-like aliens start falling from the sky calling for Mendo, at which point the girls conclude Mendo got that many alien women pregnant, and the boys refuse to explain due Mendo saying he didn't trust them.
  • From the first movie:
    • When the alien mailman delivers the invitation to Mendou, his soldiers march out, take it, jump on a motorbike to deliver it... And, starting in the early morning, arrive to Mendou at sundown.
      • Meta: the sequence was eliminated by the theatrical cut because it was too long.
    • The opening, showing the mailman deliver the invitations and the various reactions.
    • When people make an effort to find out who Elle is:
    • Ataru swooning over the ship captain believing she was Elle… And then mistaking Elle’s old caretaker for her and reacting just as you expect.
    • After Elle's ship leaves, Sakura mentally snarks, "The universe is truly vast. To think there'd be someone who could compete with Lum's bad taste in men."
    • Lum was being stalked by one of Elle's soldiers, and when Benten intervenes the soldier disappears after a curtain of rose petals… And then, while Lum and Benten talk, we see her straining to hide behind a clock and hoping they'll leave soon.
    • Benten renting an armed bus… And sending the bill to Elle’s caretaker, before running a check at the restaurant and kept Rei from eating there.
    • The dinner at the Moroboshi has to be seen to be believed.
    • For some reason, Benten's list of guest to Lum and Ataru's wedding includes the mutant monster Lum had assembled out of unrelated fossils and brought to life, a stray cat and a stray dog. Oh, and she basically kidnaps them too. The only ones who weren't kidnapped were Rei (because even he knows better than going against Benten), Oyuki, Kurama (who is there just to make sure Ataru won't come after her again) and Ran... Who hadn't actually been invited but was told of the wedding by Oyuki.
  • The introduction of Nagisa Shiowatari in manga chapter 341 and OAV 5. At the climax of everything, Ryuunosuke finally gets to explain why she's rejecting Nagisa's pleas for a kiss by... shouting she's a woman and then yanking up her shirt to show Nagisa her sarashi-bound bosom. A blushing Nagisa simply comments that Ryuunosuke's bosom is wonderful, and then does the same thing... to show his flat, muscular chest.
    • Cue an appalled Ryuunosuke trying to backpedal from her fiance, demanding to know if he's gay. An insulted Nagisa chides her for being rude, declaring that he's a man through and through.
    • The big hint that Nagisa was actually a boy the whole time? Ataru and Mendou commented on how neither of them ever tried to hit on Nagisa.
  • Early on, Ataru had ran from home due Lum's antics, and, after disguising himself with a facemask and sunglasses, went to eat in a ramen shop when the shop's TV started playing an appeal for him to come home. Ataru's reaction at Lum calling him home is funny enough... Then Sakurambo appears in the TV demanding he stops hiding because he knows exactly where he is. Ataru is pissed and worried, given people are still angry at him for the space taxists stealing most of Earth's oil reserves and then giving it back as rain, but consoles himself with the fact he had disguised himself... Then the TV shows a picture of him wearing the exact clothes and disguise he had on. It's only the start.
    • Given the situation, Ataru pays for the ramen and runs, only to crash into a gorgeous if sickly woman who feels pain at her heart. Ataru, being Ataru, suggests that the best way to relieve it is to remove the bra, obviously getting smacked and rebuked because his perversion is the clear cause of his bad luck... But the woman can't help but fall on him due her illness. Ataru immediately points out the woman is sending him a mixed message.
    • The woman reveals she's a miko and tells Ataru to bring her at his home, so she can exorcize his bad luck. He does so, and hears the woman's mother calling her Sakura, a rather familiar name. Then he sees the woman's mother looks like Sakurambo with an afro wig, and realizes how boned he is. He does try and escape, but Sakura's mother catches him with a Shimenawa and brings him inside tied up.
    • Sakura, being an accomplished exorcist in spite of her illness, comes to do her job, even if she now has a tootache... But between the tooth pain and Ataru's bad luck, she screws up... And exorcises herself: turns out her poor health was caused by her being possessed by dozens of yokai she has just expelled, and they're now trying to possess Ataru.
    • As she now owes him, Sakura is even more motivated to exorcise Ataru, and exorcises the yokai... And replaces them with a shinigami. That now haunts Ataru, and she can't exorcise that. Next we see Ataru, he's in a hospital bad surrounded by his parents, Lum, Shinobu, Sakura with her uncle and mother happy that she now has good health, and the shinigami waiting on his pillow for him to die.
    • The 2022 anime adds a final gag. In the hospital bed, Ataru was sleeping and seemingly in a coma, with Lum and Shinobu worried for him... Then a beautiful nurse comes in and Ataru immediately wakes up and asks for her number, having forgotten the two girls near him. A moment later, Lum shocks him... And also the Shinigami that was too close, exorcising it.
  • Ataru's dad giving Ataru his rubber raincoat when the latter is setting off to meet Shinobu despite Lum's blasts of lightning is funny in the manga and both anime adaptations. However, the 2022 version has an extra layer of humor owing to the fact that the father's seiyuu, Toshio Furukawa, was Ataru's original seiyuu from 1981 all the way to the 12th and final OVA in December 2008. In a way, it's a Passing the Torch moment between the original Ataru and the new one - or passing the raincoat, in this case.
  • Shortly after Mendo's arrival, Ataru manages to get alone with Shinobu and talks to her about her attraction to Mendo. She confirms... And Ataru proceeds to describe a rather fanciful take of what her married life with Mendo could be, with her reduced to a servant and Mendo's parents looking like Ultraman. It works. At least until Mendo and Lum literally fall down from the sky and Mendo pins Shinobu down by accident...
  • By the law of her people, Kurama has to have children with whoever wakes her up with a kiss... And it's Ataru. Between the law and being fascinated by anything she's told she can't have, she decides to make him into a better man:
    • After a few tasks had less than stellar results, Kurama went and tried to dimish Ataru's libido by injecting him with feminine energy, but Lum's interference made her hit him with the entire charge. This effectively turns Ataru into a very effeminate girl in a boy's body... But had no effect on his libido and attraction to women.
      • Megane's comment in the manga: "Did Ataru just turn into a lesbian?".
    • Another of Kurama's attempts at turning Ataru into a decent fellow has them time travel to the past to make him meet her father, the famous samurai Ushiwakamaru, so he'll be inspired by her ideal man. After pointing out that she's seemingly attracted to her father, Ataru proceeds to try and turn Ushiwakamaru closer to himself while pretending he's a Karasutengu.
      • The reason Ushiwakamaru was celibate: it turns out all girls in the area looked exactly like in the stylized drawings from traditional Japanese art, and he just didn't like how they looked. It's implied he'd have already gone with Kurama's mother had he known how she looked...
    • Eventually Kurama convinces the Elder to let her try again... And Ataru is the one again. But she thinks it's Mendo, something the Karasutengu are in no hurry to clear up so at least they'll get done and go home, and even tie up the Elder to keep him from clearing things up.
      • The room Lum builds for Kurama and Mendo... In the middle of the school's courtyard.
      • Kurama's growing horror when she realizes Ataru and Mendo act the same way. But she decides to do it with Mendo because he looks better.
      • Eventually Kurama finds out the truth, and asks why she has to have children with whoever wakes her up, and what's the punishment for breaking that law. The Elder doesn't know. And neither the stored-up memories of his predecessor. Or those of his predecessor. And so on.
      • Kurama decides to just ignore the law and get with Mendo when the Elder finally shows up projecting the digitized memories of the first advisor 120 generations before, who was the one to establish the law in the first place: he got married with a girl he woke up that way, and decided to make it a law to immortalize the moment. Kurama destroys the memory storage with a rock in rage at the utter stupidity of the situation, and the current Elder agrees it's idiotic and has the law abolished. Even Ataru stops pushing for Kurama to have sex with him based on that rule...
      • Made better in the remake, as the first Elder reveals he found the girl while going to save the princess of that era from a kidnapper and straight up abandoned the quest.
      • Finally, Kurama can get with Mendo... Then Ataru covers him with a bell, triggering his crippling claustrophobia fear of darkness and making Kurama leave in disgust.
    • In a later occasion, Kurama finds her ideal man. Too bad it's Ryunosuke. The Tengu, however, find out the truth before her, and try and turn Ryunosuke in a man.
    • Even later, she falls for Rei. Cue the Tengu doing everything in their power to insure she doesn't discover his bovine form while dealing with Ran trying to take Rei away, Lum who's been blackmailed by Ran into helping and doesn't want Rei jumping her all the time, and Ataru who just showed up to woo Kurama.
      • During the battle Kurama manages to get Lum, Ran and Ataru in a trap door and takes Rei to her bedchamber... And finds Lum, Ran and Ataru already there. Turns out that trapdoor connected to her bedchamber, and she and the Tengu had forgot.
  • When he first met Rei, Mendo started insulting his looks, having seen him only in his ox form so far, and proclaiming the most important thing for a man to charm a girl is looking handsome. Cue Rei turning back to his more handsome form just to shut him up (and to charm the female classmates into giving him food). Mendo's reaction? After he manages to recover the ability to talk, he loudly declares the most important thing for a man to charm a girl is money.
  • Turns out Tomobiki High has a Student Council, whose numbers include Mendo (apparently the president) and, in the manga, a guy that looks like Megane, and they show up when the teachers decide to try and enforce discipline on their insane students by keeping them from going out to lunch and get the Council to help them. Sounds like they're more powerful than the teachers... But not really:
    • They first appear during a teacher meeting, when Onsen Mark calls them and they suddenly appear in the room, and when dismissed they disappear. Turns out, they had been hiding behind a couch the entire time, and when dismissed they just jumped down and hope the teachers finish the meeting quickly, because their legs are getting tired at crouching for so long.
    • When the other students try to get out of the school to eat, the Council captures some with a net and start dressing everyone down... Then Ataru, Shinobu, Kosuke, and Lum just climb the wall while they're distracted. And when the Council turns to shout at them everyone else runs out behind them. Including the guys in the net, who have freed themselves in the meantime.
    • Later the Council blocks a large group led by Ataru... But Mendo lets the girls pass, with the Megane lookalike letting them go if they hold his hand. Cue Ataru and the other boys passing while wearing sailor uniforms and Kosuke holding the Megane lookalike's hand.
      • Gets funnier in the All Stars anime: while the Megane lookalike doesn't try the hand-holding and actually stays firm, the moment she sees Mendo blocking her path Shinobu looks at the other girls in the group, they nod... And then they all beg Mendo to let them pass, knowing how he'd react. And as the girls are passing, an already crossdressed Kosuke calls Ataru and shows him the female uniform.
    • When the teachers and the students finally get to physically fight, the Council of course joins in on the teachers' side. When the dust settles, they're shown to have been beaten up far harder than anyone else on either side.
    • The entire mess in general, what with the teachers being just as crazy as their students and the shopkeepers not wanting to lose their best customers:
      • At the first shop Ataru's group stops there's apparently no teacher lookout, just a giant manekineko... Or rather, Onsen Mark disguised as a manekineko. He's going to wear the disguise for the entire debacle.
      • Ataru's group arrives at another shop, only to find the shopkeeper on the ground... And Sakura finishing to eat the last portion of food they had and asking for more. This is the only teacher who actually succeeded at the job.
      • Ataru and his group then run into Onsen tying up a few other students... Then a reporter that looks just like Clark Kent has him arrested by a cop presenting him as a pervert disguised as a cat. The lookalike then admits he's not a reporter, and sheds his disguise: he's a member of the shopping district association, dressed just like Superman.
      • The senior teacher getting trampled by the students... And his assistant telling everyone he's dead in spite of the senior's vocal protests. His supposed death is what prompts the teachers to try and beat up the students to avenge him at about the same time the students decide enough is enough and to beat the teachers up.
      • The fact this is supposed to go on for a ''week'.
  • Between growing up very sheltered and the first boy she ever met being Ataru, Asuka is terrified of males... But not of brothers, thus she has no problems with Mendo after hearing Ryoko calling for her "big brother".
    • Later Ryoko, between boredom and jealousy, decides to separate them and tells Asuka that Mendo is not a brother... But an evil two-headed space monster. And she bought it. Mendo, incensed, tries to explain Ryoko was pranking her... Except Ataru had gotten trapped on his back with only his head coming out of his jacket, and spontaneously decided to shout he wanted to eat her.
  • On New Year, Ataru had left the home annoyed at his parents gushing over Lum because she's a girl and saying how ugly he'd have been as a girl... Then he finds an Oni child in the mail. It's Lum's cousin Ten, who decided to come and visit her and, being unable to come the normal way, mailed himself.
    • Ataru's deadpan toast to the postal workers who saw an Oni child in the mail, saw the postage was ok, and delivered him.
  • Ten decides to ask Sakura out in a letter... And Ataru decides to "help" by ghostwriting him a letter where he deliberatedly went out of his way to be as perverted as possible to gross her out.
    • Sakura's reaction: she showed up at the date planning to kill whoever sent the letter... But then she found Ten and she couldn't kill a child. And Ataru, knowing what he wrote in the letter, convinced himself Sakura is a nymphomaniac.
    • The actual date. Because Ataru, not expecting Sakura to show up, had decided to go all out and plan it as depraved as possible... And then he and Lum had to follow them to see how this would go:
      • The meeting place: near an underpass with some embarrassing ads on the wall. Such one for hemorroid medication. Sakura started believing she had been pranked by a student before Ten showed up...
      • After that, Ten brought Sakura to lunch... At a swingers club. That's when Sakura has enough, grabs Ten, and runs, bringing him to a normal cafe.
      • At the cafe Ten cries because "his" plan isn't making Sakura happy, so she accepts to follow it from now on. He brings her to a porn flick. With the protagonist cheating on her husband on a trip. And he actually convinces her to go in.
      • To add insult to injury, it's a boring and farcical porn taking forever to get to the good part, with Ten falling asleep. And then Lum asks Ataru about what's happening and gets her and Ataru discovered.
      • After Sakura drags everyone out, Lum complaining it happened right when they were getting to the good part.
      • After he wakes up, Ten wants to bring Sakura to the love hotel... And Lum corrects him, reading from Ataru's date plan they should first dine, then flirt in the park, and then go to the love hotel. At least now Sakura has confirmation that Ataru is the culprit and can beat him up for it...
      • And then, at the park, Ten still wants to go to the love hotel, much to Sakura's horror as she realizes that some of that date plan was his idea and not Ataru's.
  • Ten's Love Love Crystal Ball. If you look in it, it will show you the person you will marry. At a restaurant, Shinobu looks in it... And to her surprise, it's Tsubame, Sakura's fiance. Ran sees Ataru, making her fear for her life if Lum were to find out. Lum instead sees Rei, to her horror... And utter terror, as she fears Ran will kill her if she found out. And Sakura, to her utter disgust, sees Ataru and Mendo. And of course Ataru, Mendo, and Tsubame are just outside... And walk under the table right as the shell-shocked Sakura is trying to process that her fate is to marry them.
    • Shinobu's incredibly flustered reaction... And also the sanest one.
    • Sakura lecturing Ataru and Mendo on trying to get her into jail for bigamy. They still have no idea of what's happening.
    • Ataru and Mendo learning of the Crystal Ball... By overhearing Shinobu explaining to Tsubame they're fated to marry and trying to work out the age difference.
    • Lum and Ran learning who the other saw in the Crystal Ball. This is when Ten runs away.
    • Turns out the seller made an error, and Ten didn't get a Love Love Catch Ball but the Couple-Trouble Crystal Ball, that shows you the person you must not marry at all costs. Ten gets the real thing right as Lum starts throwing lightning.
  • In Soban's debut, his minions tried to get Shinobu to date him, she considered it... Then they showed him his picture.
    • Their idea to solve the situation: have her go on a date with the person they initially mistook for her boyfriend and take pictures to show Soban, as they think he'll give up. Thus, Shinobu goes on a date with Ryunosuke. And it doesn't work, as Soban is too stupid to understand.
    • Why does Ryunosuke take part in the travesty to begin with: they'll pay for her to buy a bra. They even have already bought a gift certificate for it...
      • The lengths Ryunosuke goes for the bra. Early on she even gets so carried on she tries to kiss Shinobu...
    • Ataru popping out in the middle of the date with a bra for Ryunosuke, so she won't have any reason to humor Soban's minions and he'll be Shinobu's date.
    • Eventually, Soban shows up during the date and ruins it while tossing his minions and the gift card around, with the latter being burned by Kotatsu Neko to lit a grill. But there's still Ataru's bra... That Soban's men give their boss claiming it was Shinobu's. And before Ryunosuke and Ataru can take it, Soban eats the bra.
    • The All Stars anime adds where Ataru got the bra: he stole it from his mother's laundry.
  • That time Ryunosuke tried to learn how to talk like a woman, failed... And then Ataru and Mendo not only tried to help, they showed they were far better at it than her.
  • The time Lum made a lipstick that made whoever wore it kiss other people with it... And Ataru got his hands on it and brought it at school to try and kiss Ryunosuke. Then he had to tell everyone what the deal with that lipstick was.
    • The final result of the ordeal: Ataru kissing Mendo. Cue general horror, panel of a Dappyaman dancing in the grass with an apology for the sudden graphic content, and the two victims on their knees... Before they rise up and try to kiss Ryunosuke and Lum respectively.
    • Everyone except Shinobu wearing the lipstick. That includes Onsen Mark, who got it flung on his forehead.
  • A yaminabe consists in a group of people throwing random ingredients in a pot, letting it stir together, and then pick something to eat in the dark... And Ataru's class held one:
    • Most of the class was taken down by the combination of Lum's hyper spicy additions (Mendo even getting a nearly deadly alien meatball) and the garlic Ataru had put it to retaliate against Lum for all the times she fed him the spicy food.
    • Shinobu got fishbone. Her face as she tries to eat it is priceless.
    • Lum got a geta. She didn't realize it wasn't food.
    • Ataru got... Chompchomp, an alien vegetable that he had asked Ten to bring him because he knew Lum couldn't stand and the alien child procured faster than expected and added to the pot. The only problem is that the chompchomp tries to eat whoever eats it — that being why Lum can't stand it. She likes the taste, she just doesn't like having to fight to eat it.
  • The Tomo-1 Queen Contest... That is, a beauty pageant with a 150,000 yen worth prize organized by Ataru. Who's getting kickbacks from the sponsors, so he tailored the events to better advertise them. And Lum, Shinobu, Ryunosuke, Ran, and Sakura are the unfortunate finalists. With Shinobu and Sakura wondering why the stage looks like a ring...
    • First event, to test everyone's smarts: put their hands in a box and guess what is in it. And whatever is in it licks, as Sakura finds out by experience. It was Ten holding a watermelon - event sponsored by a greengrocer.
    • Second event, also about the smarts: a classic experiment of using tools to get some food (candy), similar to the ones done with monkeys (sponsored by a furniture shop and a candy shop). Ryunosuke uses the tools, Lum just flies, Ran tries to drag Lum down, and Sakura and Shinobu just beat Ataru up.
    • Third event, to test everyone's healthy stomaches: a ramen-eating contest. Sakura decides to eat with moderation as she'd feel embarrassed winning this one... Then she's suddenly told she won with 58 bowls.
      • The sponsor in the All Stars anime is none else than the Cat Cafe. At least they sent Shampoo's dad with the ramen rather than any of the crazies...
    • Fourth event: a no-holds-barred fight, with the girls in wrestling outfits. Ran, knowing she's by far the weakest, immediately takes the chance to drain Ryunosuke (much to her father's delight, as "he"'s now been kissed by a pretty girl), Shinobu, and Sakura... And then Ataru reveals they aren't fighting each other but a chain-wielding one-eyed bear, a gorilla, an anaconda, a humanoid lion, and a humanoid tiger, all provided by the sponsor the local zoo. Ran's face when she realized she screwed up is priceless. And of course the gorilla hits the referee Ataru with a chair the moment the beasts cheat...
      • Mendo joining the fight as a masked wrestler... And being immediately thrown out by the gorilla.
      • After trying and failing to escape, Ran is put in a Boston Crab by the lion. Unwilling to kiss animals, and with Lum busy with the gorilla and the others in the clutches of the beasts, Ran has to resort to her trump card: seduce Ataru into intervening.
      • Ran decides to give back the stolen energy... By kissing, of course. Sakura and Shinobu are horrified at the apparent pervert, especially as Lum is helping. Then it's Ryunosuke's turn... And she just runs, only for her father to hold her so his "son" can be kissed again and they can win the 150,000 yen prize. Ryunosuke's fan club then blocks Ran... And Lum drops the anaconda in, scaring the fan club and forcing Ryunosuke and Ran into kissing range''.
    • The girls' (and Ryunosuke's father's) indignation when they end up drawing... Because the judges (the principal, Onsen, and Kotatsu Neko) were so distracted by the wrestling match they fudged up the scores.
    • In the end the girls have to share the prize of 150,000 yen... Except Ataru never said it was 150,000 cash. Rather, it was 150,000 yen worth of taiyaki (provided by the taiyaki shop Ebiya) that Ataru promptly buries the ring and contestants into.
    • In the All Stars anime this was the season finale... So every one-shot character shows up. Starting of course with Rei trying to eat everything, as they can't let the girls enjoy their prize.
  • In the Animated Adaptation of the manga's finale, there's a little joke added in the scene where Ataru offers Mendo all his info on every sexy girl to be had found within easy traveling distance in exchange for the use of Mendo's personal spaceship. As in the manga, Mendo calmly announes he doesn't have a spaceship... and then quietly offers to swap Ataru one of his tanks for the info instead.
  • When Mendo is first told he's getting engaged, he's opposed and claims he's too young... Then his father points out that at his age he was engaged with five or six girls. Even Mendo calls him a scammer.
    • Mendo's smile as he tries to deny that the perspective to have sex is what's motivating him to accept the engagement - and Ataru showing up to get engaged in his place.
    • One of Ryoko's Kuroko hitting Mendo with a hammer while shouting "Gross! You disgust me, brother!" in falsetto. Turns out, Ryoko sent him to deliver a message. And then, Mendo's dad asks him to repeat the message, so the Kuroko hits Mendo again.
    • Mendo is furious when he finds out he's supposed to marry Tobimaru's sister, and asks his father why he doesn't marry her. Cue Ataru being the Only Sane Man and pointing out that Mendo's father is married and has two children to said man's eldest child.
    • The fact Tobimaru doesn't know he has a sister. He learns it from Mendo and Ataru when they show up demanding an explanation - and doesn't believe them until he overhears one of the house staff mentioning her.
    • Their first glimpse of Tobimaru's sister: a gigantic European-style plate armor with the word "maiden" on the chest. For some reason, Mendo and Tobimaru come to the conclusion the armor is the girl, and only Ataru realizes the girl is inside the armor.
      "Beats me! But who cares about you! You'll never understand the pain of suddenly learning that you have a little sister who's made of metal!"
    • Ataru ends up as the first man Tobimaru's sister Asuka ever saw... And as a result she's terrified of men in general, even her relatives. But her servants have to get her to meet Mendo and Tobimaru... And tell her that Tobimaru, as a brother, is a special type of man that won't harm her.
      • Turns out Mizunokoji family tradition dictates their daughters never met a single male until they are 15... So her father was rather bummed when his wife told him he couldn't see her right after giving birth. Even Shinobu and Lum are appalled.
    • Mendo's reaction when his father suddenly turns the first meeting with Asuka in an engagement ceremony... And his complete inability to realize why Ataru is offering to take his place while Shinobu takes him away in a wicker backpack.
      • How are Shinobu and Mendo caught? Mendo had been screaming in fear of the dark the entire time, and the guards followed the screams.
    • Ataru makes another attempt at "saving" Mendo by infiltrating the Mizunokoji mansion disguised as a woman... And Asuka immediately breaks out of her protective cage with Ataru in tow. That's when Shinobu and Lum realize there must be a cute girl inside... But not Mendo. He doesn't realize it until Shinobu has seen her and off-handedly mentions how cute she is after learning why she never met a male.
      • Mendo continuously metaphorically kicking his ass for not realizing the only reason Ataru would help him was if Asuka was good looking.
    • Asuka's first meeting with Tobimaru, landing on the tree he was moping on... And immediately pushing him down because he's a man. But then she sees their Exotic Eye Design match... And comes to the conclusion he's a fellow woman. And then sends him flying when he protests he's a man. It's only later that she realize that was her brother.
    • In the end Asuka doesn't want to get engaged with Mendo, the deal is about to be called off... Then Ryoko barges in to break the engagement and calls him "older brother". And since Mendo is a brother, she decides he's safe and accepts the engagement.
  • In one episode, Ten accidentally burns the scarf that Lum had made for Ataru and quickly retreats to learn how to properly apologize lest he (per Ataru) fall victim to Lum's wrath. Later in that same episode, Ten checks up on Lum to see if she's calmed down, only for Lum to be practicing getting angry (also per Ataru). Lum does such a convincing job that Ten flees in abject terror with a yellow puddle behind him.
  • In one occasion, Ryoko decided to amuse herself by using a special incense to repeatedly hypnotize Ataru into thinking he was a dog and having him run around her All Girls School... Then Sakurambo, who, alongside Lum and Shinobu, was trying to find out where did Ataru disappear every morning only to come back tired and happy, discovered she had got the incense wrong. Cue major terror among the girls when they realize Ataru had been pretending the whole time and they were just letting him perv on them.
