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Funny / Tucker & Dale vs. Evil

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  • Dale awkwardly introduces himself to the college kids, while holding a scythe to make himself appear less nervous. The viewers watch it from their point of view which makes it even more hilarious due to how much they misinterpret his gestures.
    • In the English subtitles, Dale's nervous laughter is described as a creepy chuckle.
  • While Tucker is using the wood chipper(for its intended purpose), one of the college kids tries to rush him from behind, but accidentally ends up diving head-first into the wood chipper, dying very messily. Tucker desperately tries to pull him out, though the angle makes it look like he's actively pushing him in, and when the woodchipper finally shuts itself off...
    Tucker: Y'OKAY!?
  • Tucker first tries explaining to the Sheriff what had happened, which was (naturally) Not What It Looks Like. The expression on Tucker's face when Dale mentions their having one of the girls in the cabin is just hilarious, though.
  • And almost immediately afterward, one of the college kids has the pair at gunpoint but is unable to fire. Tucker again has a baffled expression as Dale helpfully points out that the safety's still on.
    Tucker: "You gotta take the safety off"?! You're something, Dale. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for you!
    Dale: What?
    Tucker: That's right! For being such a goddamn Good Samaritan!
  • Dale trying to sound smart when he first talks to Allison.
    Dale: Me and Tucker... I and Tucker... Tucker and I brung ya here.
  • Tucker and Dale are arguing about who's at fault for the situation, and Dale lets slip he doesn't like fishing, which Tucker admits hurts his feelings. And they're doing this while being shot at by Chad.
  • Tucker, having suffered Fingore at the hands of Chad, is understandably reluctant to go along with Allie's idea for a peace summit.
    Tucker: Great idea - I'll provide the finger sandwiches!
  • After the cabin explodes and they're lying on the ground watching it burn.
    Tucker: My cabin...
    Dale: Your cabin...
    Allie: I'm a terrible therapist.
  • There's something faintly hilarious about the way Chad, crazed and with half his face burned off, pauses a moment to take a puff from his inhaler before letting out a psychotic scream.
