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Funny / Thir13en Ghosts

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Dennis's reaction to what Cyrus is using as bait to lure out the Juggernaut at the beginning of the movie.
    Dennis: A truck full of blood?! You gotta be shittin' me!
  • This little nugget:
    Dennis: Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Where are you going!?
    Arthur: We're going downstairs to get Bobby so we can get out of here.
    Dennis: Did I say there was a petting zoo downstairs?! NO! There are ghosts downstairs!
    Maggie: This basement?
    Dennis: YES this basement! If it was the basement next door I wouldn't give a shit!
    • Even better? The "petting zoo" line was one of two jokes in the film written by an uncredited James Gunn.
  • And this:
    Dennis: [after having spent a considerable amount of time trying to explain the situation to a bemused Arthur] Ghosts, Arthur. I used to - I used to hunt ghosts with your uncle Cyrus.
    Arthur: [beat] ...Goats?
    Dennis: [utterly exasperated] GHOSTS! Ghosts, goddammit!
  • We also get this after Kalina calls Dennis out for helping Cyrus capture the ghosts in the first place.
    Dennis: I had my reasons.
    Kalina: Money, you parasite! You stole people's souls for money! How depraved is that?!
    Dennis: If you haven't noticed, I'M A LITTLE BIT OF A FREAK!!! I come within ten feet of anything dead, I go into seizures! I touch somebody, and a whole life full of shit just flashes in front of my eyes!
  • When one of the ghosts jumpscares them:
  • One of the more Black Comedy examples isn't even in the movie itself: one of the special features on the DVD gives a short backstory on each of the ghosts, all narrated by Cyrus. Most of them are Nightmare Fuel, Tear Jerkers, or both... and then there is the fate of The Bound Woman. In short, she was a Rich Bitch who constantly toyed with men's hearts. On the night of the Senior Prom, her then boyfriend, the star player of their high school's football team, caught her in the arms of another boy. The boy was found dead the next day, and she had disappeared. Two weeks after that, her body was finally found, buried in the school's football field. She had been tied up and strangled to death. Her boyfriend was put on death row for both murders, and his last words were: "The bitch broke my heart, so I broke her neck". It’s Cyrus' deadpan delivery of the line that makes it so funny.
