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Funny / There Will Be Blood

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  • The scene near the end where Daniel is asleep on the floor, Eli screams, "DANIEL PLAINVIEW THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!" and Daniel is still sleeping like he didn't hear a thing.
  • "I. DRINK. YOUR. MILKSHAKE"! Narm, a Moment of Awesome or Black Comedy (or all three!) depending on your view, but pretty amusing any way you slice it.
  • "DRAAAAAAAAAAAAINAGE!!! Drainage, Eli, you BOY!"
  • "Can I build around 50 miles of Tehachapi mountains? Don't be thick in front of me AL!"
  • Daniel realising that his only way to build a pipeline through William Bandy's property is being baptised and made a member of Eli's church.
    Daniel: I'll pay you $3,000.
    Bandy: I'd like you to be part of our church.
    Daniel: I'll pay you $5,000.
  • Daniel's baptism is simultaneously funny and sad. Daniel speaking of abandoning his son and then him getting tired of Eli continually making him beg for the Blood is emotionally intense, but after he's baptized, he even shakes himself off like a dog.
    Daniel: Give me the blood Eli. Let me get out here! Give me the blood Lord! And let me get away!
    Eli: Do you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour?
    Daniel (casually): Yes, I do.
    • Also the exasperated withering look that Daniel gives Eli when told to admit abandoning his son is pretty darkly hilarious as well.
  • Really, almost every scene between Eli and Daniel qualifies as this to some extent, thanks to the Ham-to-Ham Combat, but special note goes to the scene when Daniel full-on slaps Eli multiple times, drags him by his hair into a puddle of mud, and completely slathers him with it. Paul Dano's wimpy screaming as he gets dragged really seals the deal.
