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Funny / The Lando Calrissian Adventures

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  • The time Lando enters the ancient vault containing the Mindharp of Sharu, a cavernous space with polished marble floors meant especially to make people take small, careful steps and be even more impressed with the grandeur of the place. Lando's response is to take a running start and slide on the floor. Bonus points for yelling "Wheee!"
  • Avian alien Waywa Fybot asking his mother for a centipede as he wakes up after being knocked up.
  • Gepta's Tranquil Fury every time he has to talk with Klyn Shanga and deal with the man mocking his insincerity.
  • Shanga announcing his intention to meet with Gepta about one of his men being in the brig by saying "I have to see a toad about a man."
  • When Osuno Whett says that there are a few billion Oswaft out there Shanga snarks how the words "few" and "billion" don't belong together.
  • Lando playing sabacc with the Oswaft in the third book (winning tens of millions in valuable gems), especially with the Bait-and-Switch buildup to it at the end of the previous chapter.
    Oswaft guard: The three of you are to appear before [The Elders] at once in order to explain your impertinence and face their mighty judgment.
    Lando: SABACC!
    Elder Sen: Truly it is amazing captainmasterlandocarlissian, Amazing,you cannot even see the cards but yet you have won hand after hand under fair and impartial circumstances. I abase myself to your skill and intellect.
  • Vuffi Raa suggests that Lando seek information somewhere filled with information about the ancient, historic and valuable. Lando then jumps up, cuts him off with a thanks and charges into the nearby bar (with a no droids sign) as Vuffi protests he was going to say the library.
  • A Rafa system droid haters anti-droid rant is cut short by the scream of pain he makes after being stupid enough to kick a very solid droid.
  • The reveal that (for all the times Vuffi Raa refers to Lando as Master against his wishes) the droid refused to call Whett Master when they were together, claiming it wasn't in his programming to do so, helping emphasize his distaste for his previous owner and their mission. Politeness Judo indeed.
  • The last lines of the story, Vuffi calling Lando by his first name instead of Master and wanting to know why he never asked that before (which of course he did).
