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Funny / The Korvac Saga

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  • The Avengers had to deal with the Obstructive Bureaucrat Henry Peter Gyrich. Even so, they have finally located the enemy: he's in a house in Forest Hills Gardens. Now, to get there...
    Iron Man: A good question, Wasp! With our Avengers Priority revoked, we can't use the Quinjets! And since some of us can't fly, we'll just have to wing it another way! AVENGERS ASSEMBLE... uh... on the corner, outside.
    • So, all the Avengers go to the battle for the destiny of the bus.
      • During said crowd shot, Wonder Man asks if anyone's got a spare token.
    • Iron Man telling the unfazed bus driver that the team has to commandeer the bus immediately and kick the passengers out.
      Driver: Look, pal, you got your job an' I got mine! Maybe I can get you an' your buddies a group rate, but—
      Iron Man: I SAID NOW, MISTER!
      [cut to panel of Avengers boarding the bus, while annoyed civilians look on]
