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Funny / The Awesomes

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In General

  • Almost every conversation Malocchio has with his mind-controlled henchmen.
  • Just about everything Impresario's mother says. This includes the constructs that look like her.

Season 1

Season 2

  • The awkward moment where a random guy walk in the room where Malocchio Jr. has captured Prock.
    Man: "Hey, I'm here for the clean water thing."
    (Looks at Prock tied up in a chair and Malocchio Jr. standing over him)
    Man: "I'm just going to go."
  • When Hotwire as Metalfella is trying to speak to Prock in "guy talk".
  • Part of Prock's plan for breaking Perfect Man out of prison is to rearrange the guards schedules so that ten guards are reassigned to guard Speed Reader whose only power is to read at super-speed.
    Guard 1: Do we really need ten guards to guard Speed Reader? I mean his power is like speed reading.
    Guard 2: Gotta respect the schedule.
  • "This better not be the beginning of a Falling-in-Love Montage!"
  • This hilarious moment when Concierge tells everyone who is behind the out of control children in the Christmas Special.
    Concierge: I missed a villain in our research. He hasn't been active for eighty years, but he has a lot to do with kids.
    (Concierge shows her tablet, revealing a picture of Fake Santa/Animal Control)
    Frantic: (in shock) Mama?!
  • In the episode "People vs. Perfect Man," we have this funny moment.
    Prock: It just waiting in line at a pharmacy. I do that every week to get my asthma medications.
    Impresario: So Perfect Man's life will be like PROCK'S?
    (Frantic and Muscleman hug each other and cry)
    Frantic: (sobbing) It just keeps getting worse!

Season 3

  • "Seaman Joke!"
    • The CONSTANT Seaman puns, and Muscle Man ruining it for everybody. Gets even funnier when we see Seaman and his wristbands have symbols on them that resemble a certain type of cell...
  • Perfect Man's re-introduction to Mr.Awesome.
    Perfect Man: I'm less of a dick now!
  • Muscle Man falling in love with a Fork Lift under Villan-Tine's love spell, and imagining their life together... including having Forklift children, and the forklift leaving him for another forklift and taking the kids.
  • Perfect Man getting a little lost in thought while the team is under attack by Cat-Lady.
    Hotwire:I don't want to live in a city run by cats.
    Perfect Man: Cat mayor, though. That would be pretty great. A little kitty with a bowler hat, maybe a cigar. Sign me up!
    Hotwire: What are you talking about?
    Perfect Man: (smiling) Hmm?
  • Some of the banter between Mr. Awesome and Perfect Man in their fight.
    Mr.Awesome: The public would never accept a hero who had a child out of wedlock!
    Perfect Man: Tell that to the NBA!
