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Funny / The 39 Steps (1935)

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  • When their car is stopped by a flock of sheep blocking the road, Hannay, who is in police custody at the time, calls it "a flock of detectives".
  • Richard, Pamela, and the police are interrupted by a steward asking if they will be coming for tea. Richard responds "I'll be right along", then opens the door to the compartment and steps out onto the running board.
  • The impresario chastising the rowdy audience at the music hall. "Please, please, gentlemen, you're not at home!"
  • Richard is mistaken for a spokesperson at a political meeting. In spite of being tired and with the cops in pursuit, he delivers a Rousing Speech, mixing trite rethoric with feelings of his actual plight. Then, when he realizes that actually saying the candidate's name would give him more legitimacy, he tries to read it from an upside-down poster but can't quite make out the actual name (McCorquodale) and pronounces it "McCrocodile", leading to some heckling. But he recovers nicely, saying that he heard they're already affectionately calling him McCrocodile in Parliament, since they expect him to win.
    • Also, the brief moment when he accidentally pulls his handcuffed right hand out of his pocket, and quickly puts it back in before anyone notices.
  • Professor Jordan smugly revealing his half-pinky to Richard, then smiling sadistically while Richard realizes that instead of being someone who can help him stop the Big Bad, the Professor is the Big Bad.
  • The police walking past the train compartment where Richard attempts a Fake-Out Make-Out with Pamela, and one of them comments "Young man having a free meal in there!" And shortly after that, the poor waiter in the tea car who keeps having to dodge police officers.
  • The guy who keeps asking Mr. Memory "What causes pipnote  in poultry?", even when it's clear that Memory doesn't want to touch the question.
